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Throwback Thursday: Hairstyles We All Wore As Kids

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Growing up, we all remember the crazy hairstyle trends that mom and dad put us through. Sometimes we brought them upon ourselves, like attempting to cut our own hair, but sometimes you and mom didn’t see eye to eye on things (for example, like which sparkly headband looked best). All and all, your childhood years were some of the best, and you still looked as cute as a button. Momma would be so proud. Here’s a little flashback to those awesome and ‘totally cool’ years growing up. 



  • Pigtails or Ponytails with Glittery Ponytails or Scrunchies



These hairdos were classics. Not only were they easy for your parents to do on you as you squirmed around, but you thought they were the coolest and cutest thing ever. Scrunchies, glitter, and sparkly ponytails were totally in. Pigtails ruled the playground. 


  • Embarrassingly Short Choppy Hair



The only reason you ended up with this crazy hair is because you either tried to cut it yourself or got some sort of sticky food or substance in it. Scissors and gum were never your friends. Thank god for professional hairstylists. 


  • Biggest/Sparkliest/Flowery-est Headband



If it was a contest in elementary school to have the most sparkles, flowers, or glitters on your headband, you would’ve ruled the school. Not to mention this hairstyle was a breeze to do in the early morning when all you wanted to do was sleep or watch cartoons. You probably also had a hundred other headbands to your collection that you wore on a daily basis. They were cute, easy, and totally cool.


  • Justin Bieber ‘Flow’/ Skater Boy Hair



This was basically the iconic hairstyle of middle school years. It was the popular boys hairstyles as they swung their hair over and winked at all the girls and rode off into the sunset on their skateboards. Whether you rode on a skateboard or not, this hairstyle was the coolest. It was sure to get all the girls looking and make you the cutest guy on the playground.


  • Mom-Cut Bangs



If you never had mom’s specialty: mom-cut bangs, you missed out on a great childhood. To keep the hair out of your eyes, these bangs were the best, and the most ‘mom-approved.’ Mom only wanted to keep you her little girl forever. Whether creating some short, choppy bangs was the intention or not, she loved you a lot. 



Your childhood years were full of adventure, innocence, and curiosity. No matter how crazy your hair looked, or how you just simply had to have the sparkly pink bow, you looked adorable. Your childhood years are some of the best and you wouldn’t trade them for anything. Yep, not even those mom cut bangs. So cheers to the best childhood ever.

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Jacobson, but most people call me Liz for short. I am a sophomore this year at UW-Stout to get my Bachelors degree in Business Administration. I plan to have an emphasis in entrepreneurship so that after college I can pursue my dreams of owning my own store. I have a passion for writing. I love new ideas, meeting new people, and exploring different things in life. 
Her Campus at UW-Stout