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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Winter is coming and it’s getting harder to be motivated to get out there! Here’s 5 everyday things to do every day so you can hop right back in to all your activities when spring rolls around.

  1. Sit ups.


Your core is one of the biggest group of muscles in your body! It helps with basic stuff like balance. Keeping that in check helps keep all of you in check. I read about this crazy bodybuilder who did like 3,000 sit ups a day. That’s a little much for casual exercisers, so I keep mine at about 100. But the amount doesn’t really matter, as long as you’re doing something.

  1. Walk


If something is within distance, it’s easy to ditch the car and take the hike.

  1. Take the stairs.


If you have the option, taking the stairs is an easy way to work another big muscle group, your legs and your glutes. And then you can stay active outside of the gym.

  1. Or do the gym.


Just going once a week, in the morning or midday to get your body moving, will help keep you limber.

  1. Yoga.


It doesn’t mean doing anything extreme, just doing taking a couple minutes to do some stretches in your living room or your dorm will activate your muscles. It gets the blood flowing and your mind going.

Happy Winter!
