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Falling Into Fitness: How To Maintain Your Healthy Habits This Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

If you’re anything like most collegiettes, fall means pumpkin spice lattes (definition: life), confusing weather patterns (to sweater or not to sweater?), and the return of the boots. The chilly weather leads to the often irresistible urge to stay in and sip on café au lait while catching up on Netflix. But don’t fall into that trap! Even if you’re (or morphing into) an indoors-type girl, it’s still important to stay fit no matter what season it is.

If you’re having trouble getting motivated, a great place to start is to go shopping! The more effort you put into picking which outfits and which shoes you’ll wear when working out the more likely you’ll actually follow up on your exercise regime. As always, be stylish but comfortable enough to actually do some work in the gym.

Take advantage of the AFC. They offer not only machines for your use, but also group classes (what better way to work out than with your friends?) The indoor pool also offers a good exercise option. There are changing classes every week but you can always find a Zumba or yoga class to join.

One way to keep your Netflix subscription and still work out is to buy work-out DVDs. These DVDs are usually sorted by difficulty level and even by the type of fitness you’re going for (toning, weight-loss, etc.) and if you have the self-motivation to keep up then you’re sure to see results. One nifty thing about these DVDs is the ability to pause and rewind (can you imagine asking your gym class instructor to do a tough yoga pose again and again?). Consider work out DVDs to be your cheap personal trainer who comes to your home at your convenience. What more can you ask for? Famous (and effective) work out DVDs to get you started include Jillian Michael’s 30-day Shred and Insanity by Shaun T.

Another important thing to remember is to always stay hydrated. Yes, it’s not a hundred degrees outside, and sure, you don’t feel thirsty, but drinking water will keep your weight down not only by filling you up but also by flushing out toxins from the body.

Yoga classes are a surefire way to increase your flexibility. Yoga offers relaxation as well as strength. There’s many diverse option for yoga, right here in Charlottesville. One of my personal favorites is Bikram Yoga. Bikram Yoga is highly effective; the studio offers fun hour-and-half sessions and is located just 15 minutes away from the Corner.  Breathe Studio is also another cool place to embrace your yoga flexibility, located at Ivy Commons. There are various yoga studios around Charlottesville and most of them offer a free first class so go ahead and take the plunge, you’ll probably find one you like.

Lastly, remember to vary and balance your diet. A simple rule to follow is to eat a piece of fruit for every indulgent item you scarf down. For example, every cookie needs to be followed by a healthy, scrumptious apple. Either you’ll stop eating cookies or overdose on apples (they can’t hurt, right?)


Katrina Margolis graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English and Film. She served as the senior editor of HC UVA for two and a half years. She is currently an assistant editor for The Tab. Wahoowa!