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Are You Prepared For An Active Shooter Situation?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

Are you prepared?

You never know when you are going to be put in a dangerous situation, and the amount of active shooter situations have sadly increased in the past few years.

The UTSA Police Department has put together a video that was filmed right here on campus. The video is called Choose To Live, and it educates the viewer about the steps needed to be taken if you are placed in the situation.

If you are ever in an active shooter situation, remember these three words:

  • Avoid
  • Deny
  • Defend

Avoid the situation and get out if you can. Try to stay calm, think smart, and don’t hesitate.

Deny the shooter entry to your room if you can. Lock and barricade doors, turn off lights, and silence cell phones.

If you cannot leave your location, Defend yourself, because there is power in numbers. Improvise with objects in the room to make weapons.



Click the link below to watch the Choose To Live video, made by our own UTSA PD.



Lauren is currently a senior at UTSA who is obsessed with anything involving music and pop culture. She is one of the Campus Correspondents for HC UTSA, and is in charge of social media and editing. You can catch her traveling across the country for concerts, eating Whataburger fries, or constantly scrolling through her social media feeds.