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Why We Should Be More Like Sunflowers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTM chapter.

Be strong and stand tall the way sunflowers do. Do not let anyone stand in the way of your dreams. In college, it is often easy to feel like you are one flower amongst many in a vast field. Everyone is just swaying along beside one another. We all live with one another in close proximity and use the same resources to compete for the same goal. It can be easy to be discouraged or distracted from this goal. Every week we all face troubles and doubts, but just like in life, the strongest flowers survive. Grow through what you go through.

Be as bright and vivid as a sunflower. Be a positive person that other people look forward to being around. Everyone is bright in their own way. College gives everyone the opportunity to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Whatever you’re best at doing, do it to the best of your ability and explore your full potential. There truly is a place for everyone at college; you just have to be proactive and find it.

Avoid weeds. Keep negativity and toxic people out of your life. Bad influences, like weeds, suck the life out of you. If you surround yourself with other sunflowers, you will be a much happier person. Surround yourself with people that nourish, support and protect you. Find people like yourself and people that embrace the positive aspects of life and are there when you need someone to lean on. College is a crucial time period for young adults. Your peers help to shape you, as well as influence your reputation. Picking good friends and getting involved in positive activities are important to starting your path as a young adult.

Hi I'm Allie, I'm from Alabama. I am a Animal science-Veterinary science major. I have ridden horses for 14 years and competed for 6. I love cooking and baking for everyone! Mac and cheese is my biggest weakness.