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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTM chapter.

At the beginning of last semester, a group of my friends asked me to join them in trying a new exercise class the next day. I almost immediately declined because it just didn’t sound like something for me. Up until then, the only times I had even been in our campus rec center was to watch intramural sports. 

I thought long and hard about how I could get out of it the next day, but in the end I decided I would go just once and never again. Now, Shake n’ Shimmy is by far one of the most fun things I have been a part of since I came to college.

Shake n’ Shimmy is a dance type workout class. We listen to upbeat modern music and the instructor leads us in dance moves that end up being exercise. It is so much fun.

I know what you’re thinking. “I can’t dance” or “I’m not going to dance in front of others and look stupid” or “Ew exercise”. Trust me no one in the room cares if you can dance or how you look doing it. Everyone is either watching themselves in the mirror or the instructor. It doesn’t even feel like working out either! We just have fun!

Shake n’ Shimmy has been a huge stress reliever for me this semester. It’s the one place where I can go in and forget everything like school, relationship issues, or health issues around me and just have fun. It also has been a great way to stay in shape and to make friends that I would have never met elsewhere.

So the next time a friend asks you to join them in trying something new, like an exercise class, give it a chance! You never know how much fun you could have and how much you can gain from something unless you try it!


I am an Agriculture Communications Major with a Minor in English at the University of Tennessee at Martin (Class of 2021).
I am a pre-vet major who loves to laugh (especially at myself), drink coffee, and spend time with my dog, Cora. I moved from Massachusetts to Tennessee to attend college at UTM and compete for their division 1 rifle team.