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An Open Letter to Whoever Needs to Hear It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

Dear Person Reading, 

Hi, how are you? I just wanted to come by and let you know a few things. Things might be hard right now, or maybe not. Maybe you just popped on here not knowing what to expect, or maybe you are struggling, but either way, it’s okay. You can stick around, or you can leave, it is up to you. Maybe you don’t need these words now, but you might need them eventually. 

Life is messy sometimes, it never goes the way you expect it to. You might think you had it all figured out and then suddenly everything shifted. Life is messy, but you need to embrace it. I know it is easier said than done, I struggle with embracing it quite frequently. But, this is not about me, it is about you. I want to help you in every way possible. So, I want you to take a second to just breathe. Just inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Do that a couple of times until you feel a sense of peace in yourself. 

Now listen, I don’t know what’s going on, but I know a few things. You are beautiful, you are strong, you are smart, and you got whatever it is that life is throwing at you at this moment. It might seem virtually impossible to get through it, but you can do anything you put your mind to. You have the power and the ability to change anything you want about your life, but you have to believe in yourself. Things will never change or get better if you don’t believe in yourself. I know, I know it can be so hard. That you might feel like your drowning and can’t get to the surface. But you can. You just have to push yourself. For me, I get in these moods where the only reason why I can get out of bed in the morning is that I have to work. I am aware that if I don’t get up, that I will have to face the consequences. So, I first hand know this sense of drowning, but I also know how good it feels when I can overcome it in the long run. 

Again, it’s hard and it sucks. But believe me, this is just a small blimp in such a bigger story. How you are feeling right now, does not determine the course of your life. Once you overcome it, because I know you will, you are going to flourish in ways you never thought were possible. You will be a better version of yourself, and you will thrive. So let’s get to that point. 

Start by saying your affirmations, you are smart, you are strong, you are beautiful, you attract positive energy, etc. Look in the mirror and repeat them daily. Write down how you are feeling at that moment. Even if you despise writing, just trust me. It will be a dumping ground for you to release this pent-up negativity. Do some kind of physical activity, whether you go for a walk, do yoga, or go to the gym. It will help get your endorphins flowing which is going to help you sort out everything that is going on. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, it’s a start. I want to help you, in any way I can. I know it seems silly to do these things, but trust me it will help to get you moving again. What you are feeling right now, is just temporary. It will not last forever, even if it feels that way. You need to start believing in yourself, even if it seems impossible. 

I don’t know you, or maybe I do. But, whether I do or not it does not matter. I love you regardless and I am here for you. Whatever you need, whenever, I am here for you. Never give up, you are so much more than you know. I hope I helped you, at least a little bit. Remember you are loved, you are strong, you are smart, you are beautiful, and this is your world! You got this! 

Love always, Jessica


Hi! My name is Jessica! I am technically an English major, but I am in the Childhood Education program and I am going to be an elementary school teacher. I have always loved writing so, I am taking my personal hobby to the next level. I am a cat mom of two adorable kitties, and I am also a plant mom. I run an etsy shop where I sell products that I sew by hand with love. I think everyone should do what they love without caring what other people think. You are all beautiful and unique in your own ways. :)