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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

As college students, we have a lot to think and worry about. But sometimes, we take things too far. Cutting down what you worry about can help you live a happier, more fulfilling life. Here is a quick list of things you may worry about but do not need to.

1. What other people think about you.

Like the saying goes, ‘what other people think about you is none of your business.’ These are the golden words to live by. Constantly thinking about what someone might be thinking about your appearance, what you are doing, or what you have to say is exhausting. And honestly, probably nobody is thinking about you, anyway. I don’t mean to say that in a rude way, because you are probably an awesome person, but it is highly likely that everyone else is also worried about what others are thinking of them, so they don’t have time to critique or judge you.  Sometimes, worrying about what others might have to say about you keeps you from going about your day-to-day activities. The key is confidence. Instead of thinking about other people’s opinions, ask yourself, “Do I like me? Do I feel confident?” If you answer yes, that is great. YOU DO YOU.

2. Your weight.

Whether we like to admit it or not, weight and body image is something that all of us think about from time to time. I think the biggest problem is that we all compare ourselves to each other or people we see in the media. This is SO problematic. Beauty standards are constantly changing so trying to achieve “the perfect body” is impossible. Instead of worrying about your body, embrace it. Each imperfection you think you have, is something that someone else admires. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how you look, no matter what. Work it. Love yourself. You are perfect.

3. Fitting-in.

What does this even mean? Please, someone explain to me what “fitting in” means. Just like the word ‘normal,’ it is hard to put a definition on this phrase because everybody has a different perception of what it means. As cliché as it sounds, each person is different in their own unique way. Individuality and originality are admirable characteristics that shouldn’t be shamed. Instead of worrying about fitting in, think about your differences, or what makes you stand out in a crowd, and embrace it!

4. Getting straight A’s.

School forces you to think about the future, which is terrifying because, really, who the hell knows what they want to do with their life? I mean, if you have it all figured out, good for you, but most of us feel overwhelmed and lost a lot of the time. Because school is already stressful, don’t add more to your plate by overloading yourself with more stress just to get straight A’s. Lets be honest, almost no employer is going to check your GPA. I’m not telling you to slack off, not do your homework, and not study for your exams… But don’t put pressure on yourself to be a perfect student. Instead of stressing out, set goals for yourself, work toward your goals, and just do your best.

5. Failing.

Whether this means failing classes, being rejected, or being scared of not coming out on top, don’t worry about failure. Something that has come up in my own experience is the fear of being turned down from a potential internship or job. It can be really discouraging to be rejected, but it is important to remember that it happens to everyone. Don’t be scared to apply yourself and put yourself out there because you are so much better than you give yourself credit for. Don’t be afraid to fail, be proud of trying. Everything happens for a reason!

6. FOMO.

Also known as “Fear of missing out.” This is a ridiculous thing to worry about. Everybody has different schedules and not everybody can attend every social event. There is no reason you should be down about missing a frat party because you had to go to a family dinner. First of all, there will be so many more parties you can go to, and second of all, family dinners are awesome. FOMO has become more prevalent recently because social media shows us what everyone is doing all the time. You may be looking through someone’s feed thinking, “I wish I had their life, I want to do what they’re doing”. Don’t do that. Instead of worrying about what other people are doing, focus on what you’re doing and enjoy the moment. In the words of Hannah Montana, “Life’s what you make it!”

Worrying about things is not going to solve any of your problems; in fact it will just create more. Instead of being in a constant state of stress, take control of your stress and go at life with all you’ve got. 

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor