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The Lalayellow Clutch Colorful Wall
The Lalayellow Clutch Colorful Wall
Her Campus Media
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

As of recently, creating outfits has become a large part of the music festival culture. Planning an outfit takes a lot of time and effort, especially when festivals span across multiple days. When putting something together, here are a few tips to follow to guarantee an amazing festival fit. 

Boho Style
Breanna Coon / Her Campus

First of all, there are a couple logistical items to consider. As a starting point you should keep in mind the purpose of your festival. If it is a country festival, your outfit will differ drastically compared to if you were attending an EDM show. The theme of the festival can also spark ideas. For example, the theme for EDC this year is Kineticzen. Following the theme may not always be your style, but it’s a good starting point. In addition, consider the climate and venue If your festival is in Southern California in the winter, you can probably count on warm weather. However, if you were to attend Snowglobe (in Northern California) in the winter, you would probably want to stock up on layers. 

After pushing past the logistical items, you can begin to start exploring the world of festival fashion. It’s important to find outfits that you are comfortable and confident in. When I attended Escape Psycho Circus last year, I wore an outfit that was outside of my comfort zone. Although I wanted to push my limits, I was uncomfortable in my own skin, and it definitely impacted my experience. After finding something you feel comfortable in, start accessorizing it. No ensemble is complete without a flashy pair of earrings or a decorative harness. Even if you end up wearing a plain black bodysuit, you can make any outfit look incredibly unique by accessorizing correctly.

Another sure-fire way to have a cute outfit at a festival is to buy a set. When shopping for my outfits, I love to shop sustainably or locally. My favorite places are Iconoclad and Pib’s Exchange in Salt Lake City, along with various Etsy shops. Some of my favorite Etsy shops include The Lyte Couture, Visorant the Label, Seagypsycouture, and Coquetry Clothing. 

By shopping small, you support sustainable shopping and also have more unique outfits than those who shop from mainstream stores.

I know that none of this is necessarily concrete advice, but it can be difficult to give solidified advice about the expansive world of fashion. Always remember that dressing up for events is a way to present your personality and express unique aspects of yourself. If you get stuck on an outfit, try to remind yourself that the whole experience is meant to be stress-free and light. And if you’re still stuck, just pick a flashy, rainbow pattern (that’s my go-to). 

So, for your next festival make sure to try these tips! If you do, I’m positive you’ll be turning heads.

Sophomore at the University of Utah studying Strategic Communications
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor