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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

A unique opportunity has opened up for anyone wanting to create a Twitch livestream account!

But wait, what’s Twitch?

Twitch is an online livestreaming community, where anyone can stream themselves doing just about anything.  It is most popular right now for gaming channels, but is also a good platform for anyone who is willing to do creative and fun things for a live audience.  Other popular channels include cooking, vlogging, sewing/cosplay, creating art, and pranks.



The platform can provide some incredible opportunities for exposure and an income, if you become popular enough.  Twitch viewers can subscribe to channels they like, and donate money to their favorite streamers. Some streamers make their livelihoods on streaming, though most do it more as a hobby or a way of sharing their passion.


*Not every streamer has to show their face, though this is common.

However, Twitch is especially used by men right now.  Female streamers are not as common (though by no means nonexistent) and those who do stream can struggle with being harrassed, be it online catcalling or their skill being doubted.  Twitch has made it clear that they want to even the score, and get more female livestreamers out there. And the best way to change how women are treated is to get them livestreaming and being their amazing selves.  Therefore, Twitch has partnered with the 1,000 Dreams Fund, and created a new grant they call the BroadcastHer Grant, which I am sharing because my readers are in the right demographic for it!

The grants offered by the BroadcastHer Grant are to help female streamers get the edge they need to make their livestreams stronger.  The application page explains what this grant money (which is between $500 and $2000) can be used for:

“Purpose: 1DF created a grant specifically to support female broadcasters on Twitch. The 1,000 Dreams Fund Twitch BroadcastHER Grant provides financial assistance to eligible women to help with expenses such as travel to gaming conventions, educational conferences, hardware upgrades, and instructional programs related to creative or artistic pursuits. This grant is not intended for everyday expenses (e.g., utility bills, food costs) or costs related to medical care.”

If you are a Twitch streamer, or have been wanting to find a way to get your good work out there, this is a great incentive to start.  The deadline for this Spring is May 1st, but there is a Fall deadline as well, so you don’t need to risk your finals for it just yet. It can be intimidating, especially because the internet is not the kindest place for women to be.  However, sometimes the best way to change the conversation about us females is to simply show up and just be us. If it means giving us a good opportunity, why not shoot for the moon and try landing amongst the stars if it doesn’t quite hit the mark?

To help you get started, I’ve provided a few links to help!

To check out Twitch and get an idea what it’s like, go here: https://www.twitch.tv/

To apply for the BroadcastHer Grant, go here: https://1000dreamsfund.org/1000-dreams-funds-twitch-broadcasther-grant/

Finally, the image of the female Twitch broadcaster is Kotaku’s writer Cecilia D’Anastasio, who published a great article on how to get started on Twitch.  I recommend it for anyone starting out: https://kotaku.com/how-to-stream-pc-games-on-twitch-1821734826


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Miranda graduated from the University of Utah with a BA in English, focusing on videogames, storytelling, and medieval literature. She's now pursuing her Masters degree at Salem State University, where she's studying game writing and fiction writing.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor