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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

The dreaded week is almost here, midterm week.  This week is when all the teachers at the whole university decide to put the one test and/or assignment that is worth a thousand points and half your grade at the same exact time.  And it is, of course, the week before fall break and the week after, so all you think about is fall break and getting out of the library.  If you are wondering how to get through this struggle, below are seven ways to survive midterms.

1. Stay organized

Midterms are extremely overwhelming!  Take the time to plan out when and what you are going to study.  Trying to cram multiple subjects into your brain only creates more stress and anxiety.  Spacing everything out and finding a time to do it will let you perform and do your best on each separate assignment and test. 

2.  Take breaks

Don’t be afraid to stop studying!  Let your brain relax and think about nothing or anything but statistics, biology, psychology, or whatever you are studying.  Breaks allow your body to slow down and re-cooperate.  Even just getting up and walking to the bathroom or refilling your water bottle is a perfect 5-minute break. 

3. Food >

Food fuels your body and gives you the energy to pull through one of the hardest weeks of school!  If you feel unfocused, go take a bite of a power bar.  It will keep you busy and help keep you on track.  You will thank yourself later for it.

4. Coffee is your best friend

If you ever feel lazy but still have a lot more to do, coffee is going to be your best friend.  Coffee can give you the boost of power and energy that you need to finish that last page of your essay or the last pages of your study guide.  The caffeine will kick in and you feel that you can do anything!

5.  Breathe, breathe, breathe

Keep in mind everyone is going through the same amount of worry and feeling the same amount of pressure to do the best.  If you ever feel like you just want to start crying because everything is so overwhelming, take a second and breathe in and breathe out.  It will calm you down and ease your anxiety.

6. Sleep

All nighters do not help!  You might think that they do because you are gaining as much information as possible, but it does not.  As the night goes on and on, you only get more tired and sleepy.  It may seem that you are reading more information, but you are probably not going to remember most of it in the morning.  Let your body rest, so that you are all ready for the test in the morning!

7. Stay positive!

Being a negative nelly does not benefit anyone.  One of the most important ways to get through midterms is to stay positive!  Tell yourself that you studied hard and are going to do the best you can do.  Tell yourself that you are not going to go into the test wanting to fail.  You are going to go into the test with a great attitude saying that you will ace it!

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor