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13 Things Every Poly Sci Major Can Relate To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Political Science is more than just understanding the basics of government and elections. It’s also about taking classes with 30 other people who also want to go to law school, becoming weirdly fascinated with local politics, and reminding everyone in your life to vote. Sound like your idea of a party? Read on for thirteen things only Poly Sci majors can relate to.


1. You chose to major in Political Science because you want to go to law school.

I mean, if it worked for Obama, it can work for me.


2. Most of your friends in Political Science want to go to law school.

…but none of us know what kind of law we want to practice don’t even ask.


3. You’re didn’t choose to major in Political Science because of law school and you’re tired of people making that assumption.

Okay okay so law school isn’t the only thing you can do with a degree in Political Science.


4. You have worked a campaign, and it was the best/worst experience of your life.

You just never slept and you didn’t have a social life outside the campaign and you have at least one story of a campaign interaction that went really, really wrong.


6. You’ve never worked a campaign, but you have at least two friends who have told you it was the best/worst experience of their lives.

I am definitely not signing up for this, thanks for being the fifth person to recommend your campaign to me.


7. You’ve worked or interned in local, state, or federal government.

Annnd it was nothing like Parks and Rec.


8. You’re that annoying friend who texts everyone and reminds them to vote.

But primaries are like really important you guys!


9. You’re strangely passionate about local elections.

Never underestimate the power of your county attorney.


10. You’re always up to speed on current political events

Not to brag but Apple News is one of my top-four most-used apps.


11. Everyone in your major has a political affiliation.

Nobody doing a degree in Political Science is really “on the fence” about where they lean, tbh.


12. You’re weirdly skilled as guessing others’ political affiliations.

“I mean, I thought he was pretty liberal because he was wearing a Patagonia jacket, but I knew he was more of a libertarian after he complimented the free market more than he complimented me.”


13. You can’t wait to be done writing fifteen papers a semester…


…but until then you’ll just be spreading the news about upcoming midterm elections.

A degree in Political Science may be four years of campaigning, interning, and (maybe) preparing for law school. but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Cheers to picking a major you adore! 

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

With a double major in Political Science and Economics, Allyson hopes to become either a lawyer or a professor of political science after she finishes her degree at the U. Her hobbies include shopping for clothing she cannot afford and working out without breaking a sweat. She is an avid lover of podcasts, and always appreciates recommendations. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor