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13 Signs You Grew Up in The South But Go to the University of Utah

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

1. You miss the taste of real barbeque.

2. You secretly cry inside every time the temperature drops below 30 degrees and your roommate suggests opening the window.

3. You chuckle to yourself when you hear someone say PAC-12 football fans are “too rowdy”. 

Yes, this did actually happen. Roll Tide, right?


5. Your friends ask to raid your closet anytime someone is throwing any variation of a theme party involving camouflage or boots.

6. You never thought there were people who actually waited to get their learner’s permit before learning to drive because you knew how to drive by 13.


7. You can’t drop “y’all” in every day conversation without being stopped mid-sentence and being asked to repeat what you just said.

8. It blew your mind when you found out that a state could constitutionally ban kegs…and that people are okay with it.

9. Your friends have looked at you like you’re crazy because you packed a bright orange vest for a camping trip. (Hey, safety first!)

10. It breaks your heart that McDonald’s is the only place you can get a half-decent sweet tea.

11. Before moving to Utah, your idea of skiing involved a cooler and a day on the lake.

12. You crave Publix subs on a regular basis and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Look up, at least there’s Chick-Fil-A!

13. While sometimes you miss some good old fashioned southern comfort, you actually love Utah and wouldn’t change a thing.



Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor