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How I’m Dealing With My Most Overwhelming Semester Yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

I started this semester aware that this would more than likely be my most challenging semester yet. I took the position of an an RA this August.This is also my first semester taking upper-level, major-specific classes. I never tried to kid myself and say I was “prepared,” but I will say that I knew what I was getting myself into. I went through two weeks of RA training before the academic year began and was  trained in situations I now face every week, situations I see every once in awhile, and situations that I’ve never had to deal with personally. The way it seems to go for me is that responsibilities tend to pile up. When I have a week that’s heavy with schoolwork, I will almost definitely have a busy week with RA responsibilities as well. And of course, every week is a busy week. Because of this, I have had to learn how to handle my stress and manage my time. Here is what works for me, hopefully something might work for you too!


Use Google Calendar in addition to your usual planner.

I definitely recommend using and continuing a planner. I go ahead and put all the dates in my syllabuses in during the first week of classes. I have found that using Google Calendar to supplement this is super helpful when you have a chaotic schedule. I use my planner to list exactly what is happening each day and use Google Calendar to block out my time. There have been several occasions where  I would have forgotten class or an appointment all together if my Google Calendar didn’t alert my phone.


Remember “me” time.

In order to keep up with your responsibilities and commitments, you need to keep up with your self care! For me, this means going to classes at the gym a few times a week and making sure I take an hour or so to unwind before bed. Some weeks, I find I need more than that, so I take care to treat myself a little extra and take time away from school when I feel like I’d benefit from it.


Create a support system.

I’ve learned recently that I can’t be trusted to study alone. I need the accountability of studying with a partner or in a group or I’ll get distracted. Likewise, as an RA, having the support of my team is a huge part of what makes the difficult times manageable. Having people you can go to for stress in all aspects of your life will alleviate a lot of pressure, even if it’s just to vent.


Set Goals.

The goals you set will vary depending on what you need to get done and what works for you. Personally, I like to make a list of the tasks I need to get done and check them off as I finish. For me, seeing it all laid out is the best way to get started when I have a lot to do. From there, I can pick out what needs to be accomplished each day. Most importantly, I reward myself when I reach my goals. This acts as a little self care and helps to motivate me to get things done (because I have to literally bribe myself to function). The reward I use most often is taking myself out to eat. The reward I’m most looking forward to earning is getting a massage.


My name is Chloe Thirion. I am a twenty-one year old Accounting major with a Management minor in the Honors College at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg.  I currently work on campus as an RA in Residence Hall One and at a daycare for kids under three years old.    I like the simple things in life. I love shopping for office supplies. A neatly organized to-do list can make me  positively giddy. I carry a small legal pad and a pen with me so I can take notes as I need. My favorite pizza is  margherita. I love coffee, tea, and hot chocolate and I believe there is a time and place for each. I like to  daydream. My favorite thing to do is read.  I have little, little siblings-- my brother Rhett is thirteen and my sister Lilly is six. I like to be the boss; that might be obvious from the birth order situation. I might even go so far as to say I'm a control freak.    I hope to go on to get my Master's of Accountancy after my bachelor's. I like school; I tell people it's the only thing I know how to do, but I'm (half) joking when I say that.
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.