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My Top Ten Affirmations

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Have you ever had a bad day and told yourself everything would be okay? That’s an affirmation! Affirmations are statements that reinforce concepts in the mind. Positive affirmations can be very useful in disrupting negative thinking especially for people who experience anxiety or difficult times. It may sound a little silly to some, but repeating statements to yourself either out loud or in your head really can help you feel better, as well as reshape the way your brain thinks about things. It works differently for everyone, but my brain remembers things better when I write them down, so I have a stack of notecards that I decorated. I put one affirmation on each, write it out over and over again before I go to bed in order to commit it to memory, and go back to them to repeat whenever I’m having a difficult time.

There’s a variety of different affirmations to use, but here are my top ten lately:

  1.  One day at a time, one step at a time

I feel like it can be very easy, especially as a college student, to feel as if everything has to be done immediately, all at once. I think this one is a great reminder to take a step back and remember that things take time and we can only make them happen by accomplishing things one at a time.

  1. I am stronger than anxiety

As someone who experiences anxiety, this one is very good for grounding me in the present and reminding me that I am stronger than my anxiety and that things are actually okay. 

  1. I am beautiful in all ways, not just physically

This is a really helpful one for me because I feel like we live in a society that greatly prioritizes physical attractiveness.I focused on that aspect of myself for far too long before realizing there are other qualities that make a person beautiful. 

  1. I give myself permission to let go, relax, and be calm

This one is super helpful when I’m actively stressed out about school, work, or life stuff in general. It can be really hard to remember to take time away from stressful situations and this helps me remind myself that relaxing is a good thing. 

  1. I am worthy of happiness and joy

This is a good one for days when I feel like I’m not my best or haven’t done enough to earn happy moments. It’s important to remind myself that happiness isn’t something that’s earned, everyone is automatically entitled to it. 

  1. I am worthy of effort and devotion

This is similar to the previous one but I apply this mostly to my love life. Everyone deserves effort and devotion from someone romantically, and this reminds me often to not accept a love that isn’t good for me. 

  1. I am going through a difficult time, but I am coming out stronger than before

This is another one that’s really good for days where I’m not feeling my best. Reminding myself that hard times are not permanent and they are shaping me to become a stronger and better person helps me to get through them.

  1. I am committed to living a life that I am proud of

This one helps keep me focused in school as someone who has big career aspirations. I have to remind myself I’m working towards something and this affirmation keeps me proud of the person I’m becoming.

  1. I focus on what is in my power and ignore what I cannot control

This is another one that is good for anxiety and constant stressing. I often find myself stressed over things that I can’t even affect, reminding myself of this helps me realize that there are things I can affect that I should focus on instead. 

  1.  I am proud of myself for getting this far

Last but not least, this one reminds me of all the things I’ve already been through. It not only makes me proud of who I am but gives me hope for the person I will be. I’ve gotten this far and I have a lot more I will accomplish. 

These specific affirmations might not work for everyone, but they’re super helpful for me. Take some time to find words that give you love, hope, and inspiration, and get to affirming! 

Hi! My name is Jasmine Rosario and I am a pre-law Sociology major with minors in political science and philosophy. I'm passionate about mental health, politics, and the way that people interact with one another. I love reading, writing, and talking to people about literally anything.