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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Social media can be toxic at times. When I first started using apps like Instagram and Snapchat, I would waste hours scrolling till my thumb was numb. The first thing I saw when waking up and the last thing I saw before falling asleep was my phone screen. I would sigh at the perfect photos of flawless girls and overanalyze every comment and like under my own posts.

phone with colored lights
Rodion Kutsaev
I became very anxious and so focused on my presence on social media that I stopped giving attention to my goals that really mattered, my true friends and even my family. It took me a while to snap out of this vacuum of self-doubt and obsession over a fake identity to realize who I was becoming. If you are in a similar situation or are just reading this for fun, here are some benefits to blocking social media from your life or just doing a little social cleansing for some ease of mind.

breathe neon sign
Fabian Moller

Focus & Productivity 

With the lack of distracting apps, you can now focus on important matters that require most of your attention, and you will feel more motivated to complete your tasks.

Anxiety & Mood 

Your anxiety will diminish the moment you delete those apps from your phone, lifting your mood instantly. Plus, it can be very satisfying to physically delete something that has impacted you so negatively.

Sleep & Energy

With no social media to distract you, you will most likely end up falling asleep much earlier and finally get a healthy amount of sleep every night. With a better sleep schedule, your energy will also recover, and you will feel so much healthier and positive than you did before.

Socialization & Reconnection

Now you have more time to catch up with your family and friends personally and make up for time lost on minor distractions. Take advantage of the time you have and focus on the people who have always been there for you. Just reconnect with the world around you.

Self-image & Self-love

It’s so easy to compare yourself with others and criticize yourself for what you don’t have, but others do. This form of comparison can become more common when you observe how others appear on social media. Without these platforms, you will not feel a strong urge like before to compare appearances or carry around a low self-esteem. You may begin to notice unique qualities about yourself and truly appreciate what you have.

A lover of rain drops, crisp pages, and Hyderabadi biryani, with a passion for medicine, writing, and photography.
Hey! My name is Leticia and I am the Campus Correspondents here at USF. I am graduating in MAY (omg) with a degree in Advertising and PR. I am originally from Brazil, needless to say, I LOVE the beach and being outside! I enjoy everything from make-up to fitness and sports. In my free time you can find me thrifting, playing photographer, or at home with my hubby binging Netflix.