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Your Daily Dose of Mental Health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

College can be the best time in your life or it can be the most stressful headache you have ever had. Colleges are known for having higher depression rates and can cause some of the highest levels of stress you will ever see in your lifetime. During the week of October 6th, the United States celebrates Mental Health Awareness; a week, for students of all ages, adults, and children to reflect on how they feel and know where to go in case they do not feel okay. Here are 5 ideas to focus on during MHW!


Make Good Relationships

“Where there is love, there is life” ~Mahatma Gandhi

In life, it is vital to make solid healthy relationships. Positive social connection combats anxiety and depression. Having people to boost you up who genuinely care about you will boost your self-esteem, you will learn to trust more, and you will genuinely be happier. It is also proven that having good relationships might even help you live longer. Go out and find people who make your heart soar. 

Care For Yourself The Way You Would Others..Or Your Dog

Are you the type of person who would do anything for your dog or another person but always forgets about yourself? You need to make sure that no matter who you are saying yes to, that you are sleeping, eating, and overall taking care of yourself. When you are eating and sleeping, you are fueling your brain and it will make you happier. 

It’s Okay To Reach For Help

Knowing that there are resources for you to go to when feeling down is amazing. On college campuses, there are counselors, doctors, advisors, etc. There are so many places you can go. It is okay to ask for help if you do not feel right. It’s okay to use any of the resources you feel fit your values or lifestyle.

There Is A Light At The End Of Every Tunnel 

No matter what situation you are going through there will always be a solution. There will always be sun after a rainy day. Knowing this will get you through any situation. If you focus on the positives every day, you will see the world in a whole new light.

It Is Okay Not To Fit The Mold

Growing up, we are so focused on fitting in. How can we get the next best thing to look cool? How can we change our personality or appearance to be like everyone else? It’s time to stop that kind of thinking. Think about how amazing you are that you have what you have or the things that you can do!

Talking about mental health helps us become aware to help those who need it and ourselves. We need to show everyone that we care and we support what they go through. Happy Mental Health Awareness week!

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading my article! I'm Madison, a sophomore here at URI! I am a kinesiology major on a premed track!