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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

While at home for at least the next month, you will be bored. You probably already are like the majority of us. You can obviously watch Netflix or FaceTime your friends. However, as fun as these are, they can get boring if you repeat them day in and day out. Here are some fun things to learn to do while quarantined.


Painting to many is so therapeutic. Art is art. If you mess up, that’s okay! It’s your own design and doesn’t have to be exactly to the T of what you are modeling it after. Michael’s and Jo-Ann’s have been having some deals and are offering curbside pickup. I got 10 canvases for $16… that’s a steal if you ask me.


Who doesn’t love dessert? After dinner, I always have to have a little something sweet, whether it be a piece of chocolate or pie. While being home and having dinner with my family a lot, my parents always want to try a new dessert, as many of yours probably do as well! Go on Pinterest and find something to try! There are so many simple recipes with very few ingredients that you probably already have in the house. 

Learn a New Game 

There are so many card games out there that you can try. Many are easy to learn, too. I easily learned the card game, Snap. I taught my friends shortly after and it became a fun thing to play. Try it out!

There isn’t much we can go out and do, but there are a lot of things to learn to do. 

Hey everyone! My name is Cassie and I am from Connecticut. I am a junior at URI majoring in pharmaceutical sciences. I am not entirely sure what I want to do with that major yet but hey, that's what college is for! I am obviously a apart of the URI Her Campus chapter and I am also a member of the Colleges Against Cancer here at URI. In this club, we plan the annual URI Relay for Life which is held down in Mackal Field House. I am so excited for our Her Campus launch and to be writitng weekly articles for you all :)