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Hello Healthy College Life: Eating Healthy in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Eating healthy in college is not exactly the easiest thing in the world. Early morning classes, late-night study sessions, off-campus excursions and lots of necessary catnaps can make for a ‘unique’ eating schedule. But it doesn’t mean you can’t eat properly just because you’re crazy-busy at school. The key is to build a healthy lifestyle right off the bat. Remember, healthy habits are hard to break! Here are some ways to start off the school year on a healthy note:

It’s all about getting into a good routine.

This is my absolute biggest tip! The problem with college life (and life, in general) is that it can be really hard to establish and maintain a regular eating and fitness schedule. Writing papers, studying for exams, hanging out with friends and doing your own laundry…wow! I’m exhausted already! My advice?  Stick to a regular routine. Aim for some consistency in your bedtime and try to get up around the same time every morning. Start with a healthy breakfast, eat a balanced lunch, don’t skip dinner and always leave room for a satisfying little dessert. If you’re hungry at night, opt for something light and healthy (maybe rice crackers and peanut butter) to fill your tummy and help you sleep well. 

Eat breakfast every. single. day.

I know…you’re tired. You stayed up too late and you don’t even know what you’re going to wear today! But trust me, Mom was right–breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Starting the day off right will help you eat responsibly all day long. Breakfast will help you concentrate in the classroom and give you energy and endurance to tackle the day. Studies have proven that people who eat breakfast weigh less than those who don’t. Be sure to eat something healthy every morning, even if it’s something simple like a nutrition bar and a piece of fruit smuggled into your backpack for your first class of the day. You’ll be glad you did!

Eat protein with every meal.

This is essential. I’m a firm believer in the importance of balanced meals, which means that I never underestimate the power of protein. Protein is essential for healthy hair and nails, bones, muscles and skin. (And who doesn’t want healthy hair and nails, bones, muscles and skin?) I love a quick and easy hard-boiled egg or a scoop of almond butter on my oats at breakfast. I’m inspired by a few strips of grilled chicken on my salad or a nourishing bowl of lentil soup at lunchtime. Protein fills me up and keeps me satisfied!


Seriously, go take a walk! I used my Fitbit pedometer for a year to help me lose my ‘freshman fifteen.’ I walk all the time!! I walk to clear my head, relieve my stress, renew my energy, strengthen my muscles, improve my circulation and help me sleep better. Long walks are a great time to call your mom and any other friends you haven’t seen in a while. (You know your mom wants you to call her more often!) My suggestion for getting more steps? Park your car far away from the entrance.  Find a friend and go exploring at a local park. Do a couple laps around that pretty little pond you’ve passed a million times before. It’s amazing how much better you’ll feel when you get up and get going!

Limit late-night snacking.

Late-night donut runs, half price apps and dorm room snacks may be tempting, but they’re a NO GO if you want to look and feel your best! You can still spend time with those crazy new friends of yours, but cut out the extra snacks. Be the happy, fun college girl that everyone wants to hang with… minus the over-indulging appetite. You may just inspire your new friends and start a whole new healthy-eating trend! Sure, there will be days when we’re overtired, overworked, or we’re just really craving some extra energy and we’ll end up snacking a bit more than we planned. Get over it! And try not to make that a regular habit. 

These are just a few of my favorite ‘back to school’ techniques to keep you looking and feeling your best. For more tips and healthy suggestions, check out http://hellohealthyeating.com

I love all things health and nutrition! I blog @ http://hellohealthyeating.com :) I'm gluten, dairy and soy free... but I seek a holistic, balanced lifestyle!
Sabrina is a senior at URI studying public relations. She is originally from MA but has found a home in the Ocean State. A peer mentor, sister of Kappa Delta sorority, and HC Campus Correspondent at URI, she loves being involved on campus. If she could describe herself in a few words, she would say she's a driven individual with a huge heart who's obsessed with all things fashion, music, and adventurous.