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Navigating Graduation Anxiety and the Uncertainty of Life Post-Grad

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

The end of the semester is fast approaching, and many of us have graduation and post-grad life in our minds. While it’s exciting to see the finish line after so many years of hard work, this upcoming transition period can also cause a lot of stress and anxiety. 

If you have been feeling overwhelmed about finishing school and unsure about what comes next, here are some tips that can help you feel more confident and secure.

Feel your feelings

No matter how clear or scattered your future plans are, change is always a little scary and it’s completely okay to acknowledge it. Everybody feels the stress of graduation and post-grad life at some point! It’s important to make space to really experience and think about these feelings, rather than trying to ignore them.

Be Realistic and Flexible

It’s necessary to set goals, but know that things don’t always go according to plan. In fact, they rarely ever do. It’s likely that your path after college will not be linear, and you might not find your dream job immediately after graduation. Remember that this is normal, and you will have tons of time to adjust and figure things out. 

Being flexible during this period will also allow you to explore options you might not have thought about before, and who knows? They might end up being exactly what you needed!

Seek Guidance

If you’re feeling particularly unsure about what your life will look like in the next few months, it could be a good idea to seek guidance from somebody you trust. Finding a mentor that will help you find your path, someone who might even help connect you to the right people, can be a huge help. 

Try reaching out to professors, network on LinkedIn, or even talk to a family member or friend that could be a good resource for you during this time of change.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care isn’t just about taking care of your appearance, you also need to nurture your mind and focus on personal growth. Post-grad is the perfect time to explore new interests and hobbies to figure out what you like to do outside of academics and college life. 

This transition period can also be the perfect time to discover new things about yourself and develop new skills you might not have had time to cultivate before. 

Be Proud of Yourself

Congratulations! You’re almost done! Graduating college is a huge milestone, and you should be proud of yourself for reaching the finish line. Be sure to celebrate your achievements and focus on the positives. 

Graduation anxiety is normal and common for everyone, but know that there is so much more out there to celebrate. You’ll have more than enough time to find your footing, so don’t stress too much about following a specific path or timeline. 

Everybody does things differently and in their own time, so be kind to yourself and know that you have all the tools you need to succeed in post-grad life!

Kalya Núñez is a writer at Her Campus UPRM, where she delves into lifestyle and wellness topics to offers personal insights to readers. Alongside her contributions to Her Campus, she is a Blog Editor at The Bookworm Society at UPRM, where she plays a role in shaping the blog's content and direction. Currently pursuing a major in Human Resources Management at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Kalya also explores her passion for communication and expression through a minor in Writing & Communications. In her free time, Kalya spends her time reading, writing, and gardening. She is also a fan beach sunsets and of sitcoms and reality shows, which she loves to watch in the company of her dog.