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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

While everyone wants to avoid the Freshman 15 and any other weight you may obtain while in this hectic state of life, it is easier said than done. I have been semi-vegetarian for over four months now which has opened my eyes to how hard it is to stay on a healthy diet in college. Here are some things that I have either experienced or noticed about eating habits in college that can potentially wreck your health.

Fast Food is easy to find. College is a very difficult place to eat healthy due to all the accessibility and demand for fast foods. On UNT’s campus it is very easy to satisfy your craving of Chick-Fil-A, burgers, fries, tacos, and cookies. Having self control is the most important thing to have if you don’t want to waste calories and money. When you’re running late to class it would be best if you had some ready to go fruit or yogurt to grab on your way so that you don’t miss a meal or end up eating something you will regret.

Peer Pressure. This doesn’t even have to do with alcohol, but eating in general. How many times has a friend wanted you to go with them to Whataburger late at night or even order in a pizza? It happens a lot and this doesn’t mean your friends are trying to fatten you up, but if you are trying to eat healthy then you should let your friends know so that they won’t pressure you into cheating.

Cafeterias. At UNT most of the cafeterias offer a lot of carbs, fatty, greasy foods with some veggies and fruits scattered in between. I personally love to eat at the vegan cafeteria, Mean Greens, because most of the food they prepare is nutritious and I don’t have to worry about finding alternative proteins.

Stress. Stress eating is probably a leading cause in college weight gain. You don’t even realize how much you are eating until you realize that you have been to the cafeteria five times in one day. When finals come around it is easy to turn to food to keep you awake or just satisfy your cravings. Warning! Junk food may sound better in these situations but eating veggies or fruit will actually help your body out a lot more.

FREE food. On campus you are bombarded with free pizza, barbeque, and cupcakes. Saying no to those foods that you so desperately want is a hard thing to do especially when all your friends are chowing down on a free meal. I try to avoid the vendors that are handing out food if I know it is not good for me but every now and then you should treat yo self!

Keeping an app on your phone that you can record what you eat can really help you with your eating habits if you commit yourself to it. I recommend an app called ‘Lifesum’ because you can look up most restaurants and food items and it will show you your health progress. Overall, your health is your choice and all the choices you make will add up to your well-being.


Orooj Syed is a senior at the University of North Texas, majoring in Biology and minoring in Criminal Justice. Between balancing her academics and extracurricular activities, she enjoys finding new places to travel and new foods to eat. Writing has always been one of her greatest passions and, next to sleeping, she considers it a form of free therapy.