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When Midterm Season Begins and Never Ends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

You have spent the last week studying for your first exam and are ready for some R&R. Except, you have two tests coming up the following week. And another one the week after that. And the second exam for this class the week after that. Yeah, It’s “midterm season”. This phenomenon is more common in STEM majors, but can happen to any college student. There are only a handful of weeks after that first exam without any tests. And it is rough. Here are some good ways to stay on top of everything and survive until finals. (Yep, I have an exam the week before deadweek)



It’s pretty easy to get swamped with all the notes, practice problems, and information to go over when you have so many tests so close together. However, a good place to start is to prioritize your exams. Do this by date, percentage of grade, and difficulty. If you have your first physics midterm in three weeks, but your OChem midterm this week, obviously focus on that. If you have two exams next week, and one is worth 25% of your grade versus 15%, focus on the one worth a quarter of your grade. Then, if your exams seem to rate similarly, focus on the subject giving you the most trouble. This way you don’t spend hours studying for a test that won’t affect your grade too bad or that you’d already get a good grade on.



Even if you do have those two tests next week, reward yourself for the studying you did. Make sure to take an appropriate break and watch a movie or hang out with friends. This will help you avoid burn out. I like to watch something on Netflix or have long facetime calls with my family. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, so make sure to take that breath.


Stay Healthy

It is extremely tempting to succumb to all-nighters and unhealthy habits when you have lots of tests. But when you have a season of tests, this becomes dangerous. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat all your meals, and maintain good hygiene. I accidentally skipped dinner when I had a major test one week because I was so busy studying and had a meeting I thought would have dinner provided. Pack snacks just in case. Though, do not feel guilty if you have to skip the gym to study. I always struggle with feeling bad for skipping the gym to go to my professor’s office hours, but I can exercise at another time.  Do small exercises during study breaks or something in your dorm in the morning. Unless it is vital to your life, like you play a sport, do not feel guilty for prioritizing school over an elliptical session. If you can do both, I applaud you!


Get Help

Most importantly, get help if you need it. Whether it is help in your subject you are studying or help to manage your stress, don’t be afraid to speak up. Form study groups to ask about practice tests, meet with your TAs or professors, or spend hours on Khan Academy. Most schools should offer counseling services, if not ask your insurance if they provide anything. Don’t forget that you are not alone. Many people  in your major are in the same boat as you. After all, misery loves company.