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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

It can be hard to remember to stop and take a breather in our fast pace and ever-changing world. If you’re someone like me who struggles with anxiety and self-care, I’ve compiled this list of little tricks that could slowly but surely change a bad day around.

1. Make Your Bed in the Morning

It sounds weird, but making your bed can set the rest of your day because you’ve already accomplished a simple task. If your bed is also neatly made it’ll discourage you from laying back in it.

2. Make a Cup of Coffee or Tea

Coffee or tea is like a warm hug in a mug and it definitely helps me feel more energized for my long day ahead.

3. Tidy Up

Sometimes if your work space or area is messy, tidying it up can really help. Less clutter around you will allow you to be more productive.

4. Take a Warm Shower

There’s something about a warm shower that makes you feel like a new person. Honestly, stay in there as long as you need to. No shame in it at all.

5. Make a List & Cross Things Off

I love lists, like a lot. I make lists for everything in my life and while you totally don’t have to micromanage them like I do, making little lists and crossing things off make you feel so good. It visually proves to you that you’re getting stuff done.

6. Go Adventure

Take an hour and go adventure around your town or somewhere nearby. Exploring the unknown can help you get out of your head for a while.

7. Color or Write

Using your creative side allows you to just zone out. The mandala patterned coloring books are the best to focus on while writing out your feels will def make you feel less anxious.

8. Take Breaks

If you have a lot of work to do, set up a time limit. Work for half an hour, break for 10 minutes. This will help you keep motivated.

9. Listen to your Body

If you’re super exhausted – sleep. If you’re upset – cry. Listening to these emotions and letting them out will help you feel relieved in the end.

10. Say No

If you need to relax, go do it. Don’t feel obligated to go out if you don’t want to. Sometimes we all need a little alone time and some TLC.

Remember to go easy on yourself. Everyone takes time to heal.

Hello! I'm Julianna and I graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a major in BFA: Photography and a minor in Business Administration. I was a Contributing Writer to the Her Campus UNH Chapter beginning in October 2016. In September 2017, I got promoted to Senior Editor, and then I was one of UNH's Campus Correspondents for the Fall 2018 - Spring 2019 school year! This organization was such an incredible experience and I can't wait to see what great things the chapter does in the future. HCXO, Julianna :) http://juliannasagliano.com/
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!