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A List of All the Things I Thought I Needed for College and Have Never Used

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

If you’re like me, you started packing for college Christmas time senior year. Well now the time is here, you’ve moved in, and you realize that you’ve over packed. This is EXACTLY what happened to me about a week ago. I brought EVERYTHING that was recommended me. Here’s a list of some of the extra things I brought:


  • Flash Drives Everything is in the cloud, Girl!


  • Too many pencils I use one mechanical pencil for tests and that’s about it… other than that, I use pens or type notes on my computer


  • Lap Desk Honestly, I’ve gotten more use with my pillows on my lap


  • Tide To-Go Stick Just suck it up and go to the laundry room… I promise it’s not that bad!! Plus, if you need help, enlist a friend and make it a party or use the time to Facetime your parents.


  • Nice Clothes If you plan on rushing a sorority, then a few nice outfits are nice to have, but other than that, it’s sweats and leggings all day every day.


  • Too Many Clothes Sooo many clothes…… Sooo little space…..


  • Binders TBH I don’t get many handouts any ways, so it doesn’t really matter. I have a folder in my backpack with a note book and everything else is online!!


  • Alarm Clock I think we all use our phones any ways!!


  • Desk Decorations When I say NO you say SPACE!!!


This is just my the list of my stuff, yours may be different, but I really wanted to point out something else… I remember sitting and reading articles like these excessively when I was preparing for college and I think it’s really important to hear that the first month is going to be a beautiful mess, but you’re going to love it. Also, you’ll get through it, and it’s going to be okay. Focusing on stuff like packing and being prepared is great but you’re about to embark on an AMAZING journey that you’ll never forget and I’m so excited for you :) Good Luck!!

Lots of love <3


Hey babes, my name is Sydney and I’m currently a sophomore nursing major! I’m a native of the beach so I’m obsessed with the ocean, but I also love swimming and meeting new people. I’ve been reading HC National since middle school and I’m so pumped to now be writing for UNH’s chapter :)
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!