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How To Stay Motivated During Transition Seasons

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Transitions between seasons can be a really difficult time for people, especially college students. Staying motivated and on top of assignments, while having fun can be hard and overwhelming. Spring semester of college may be hard for students, especially up north. Most students are tired of the fluctuating weather and it harms their everyday lives. Although it may not seem like it, there are many ways to overcome this lack of motivation.

One of the most important ways to overcome the seasonal change blues is exercise. Exercising has so many health benefits and can be an outlet for many people, as well as a time to reflect. This leads me to my second point, build a routine. Sometimes having a clear routine is motivating for students. By creating a routine you can complete what you need to do while having time for other important activities such as working out. Health and working out go hand in hand, keeping on track of your health during these rough seasons is so important.

Planning something to look forward to is another great coping mechanism, whether it is as big as a future vacation or even just an online order. This can increase motivation, especially during exam week. Having something to look forward to in the future, will help you get through these tough times. Along with that, rewarding yourself is so important. When you accomplish any goal that you are proud of, it is important to reward yourself. No matter how big or small that goal is. The last way to stay motivated is to stay social. Spending time with friends, whether it is just hanging out or doing homework and studying together, can be very motivating and a way to boost your mood.

Hi! I am a freshman at UNH, majoring in marketing!!