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Change Can Be Good For You And Your Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I haven’t always been someone who set goals or had any sort of “bucket list.” In fact, I have never had one. I often chose to live in the moment and felt that if I wanted to do something, I would simply speak about it and put it into the world until I was able to accomplish it. I felt like my life is constantly changing and it’d be too hard to create a list when you don’t know what is going to come next in your life. Going with the flow seemed more feasible then setting a goal that doesn’t get accomplished due to a change in circumstances. Basically, I didn’t want to be let down by the inability to achieve something because of things changing.


Recently, I experienced a big change in my life. This created a domino effect and resulted in a shift in my plans for the future. Any plans/goals I had mentally set for myself prior to the change were irrelevant. This was my fear coming true, my goals not being met because of a change in circumstances. Although this felt like reinforcement for not keeping track of my goals at the time, it actually helped me. Now, nearly a month later, I have created a long list of goals I have made for the upcoming future.


Unexpectedly, this made me realize that it’s okay for things to change. Change is good and if the circumstances change, the goals can be shaped to change as well. I’ve already accomplished a few things I had added to the list. If I hadn’t written them down, I’m not sure I would have ever accomplished them. Life is unpredictable, but one thing we do have control over is our own desires and plans. We have the ability to shape them with our changing circumstances. Don’t be afraid of change and changes in your goals, because it could hold you back from accomplishing so many things.


I'm Emily Burbano and I'm from New Jersey. I'm a junior at the University of New Hampshire majoring in Human Development and Family Studies with a minor in Child Life!
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!