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5 Ways to Naturally Increase Your Happiness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Being happy is one of the most desired states. While we all go through ups and downs from time to time, our happiness usually has a set point that we return to. Many people believe a certain relationship, job, or material item will increase happiness but this is not exactly true. While this may boost ones mood for a while, it is actually how we feel about ourselves that promotes long-term wellbeing. There are various natural ways proven to condone happiness and push someone into a cycle of healthy behaviors both mentally and physically.


While this may seem like a given, exercise can have a bigger impact on mood than one may believe. At least 30 minutes of cardio a day has been used as a treatment for depression.  It is a great stress reliever that you can use to take the place of of unhealthy behaviors. Additionally, setting realistic workout goals may benefit you mentally by having expectations to work towards.

Healthy Eating

This also may seem like another given but it can substantially increase one’s mood. It is estimated 90% of serotonin is produced in the digestive tract. Serotonin is often referred to as the “happy chemical” since it is the neurotransmitter in the brain linked to happiness and well-being. Don’t blame yourself if you have urges to indulge, especially in stressful situations. Humans crave foods high in fat and sugar when they are under pressure and it’s been proven that a reward pathway is activated in the brain when eating them, providing short-term stress relief. Don’t get too crazy though, as it’s been shown that those who are overly conscious about what they eat are the ones who overindulge when stressed out. In general, one should try to make healthy choices and think of food in terms of energy, but a cheat day here and there doesn’t do any harm!

Water, Everywhere

It’s widely stated that consuming water is good for all aspects of your body. It promotes clear skin, energizes you, and overall just makes you feel better! One should not underestimate water and its benefits. Facial sprays composed mainly of water can help you feel more refreshed and help your skin. My personal favorite is from Mario Badescu that incorporates aloe, herbs, and rose water. Whenever I am feeling tired, stressed, or want to give my skin a healthy glow, I spritz my face.

Engage in Activities Your Ancestors Could of Done

Many people spend a lot of time using technology these days, such as constant phone usage. Personally, I find myself checking my phone way too often and it’s proven to be a huge distraction. If you think to your happiest times in your life, I highly doubt anyone would choose a time they got a lot of likes on a picture or scrolling through Facebook. Times are constantly changing but humans will always have a connection to activities that bring joy no matter what the era is. Dancing has been relevant since the beginning of time and across all different cultures. Your grandparents may of been having a great time ballroom dancing 60 years ago but I suggest you request some Usher and head to the dance floor with your friends. Also, relating back to water, humans have always had a strong connection to the ocean. People desire to live near it or even just be in its presence. If you need a place to clear your head, the vibe of a beach would be a great place to do so.

Social Support

Did you know social support is the strongest indicator of not just happiness but our health? Having a solid social circle or supportive family can dramatically lessen one’s risk for future illness, such as heart problems. If you are not feeling like yourself, instead of moping around in bed all day, try to make an effort to engage in social behavior. It may sound silly, but being with friends can really help you out of a rut. There is a ton of research that states extroverts are known to be happier than introverts. This is not pointing at the fact you need to be overly outgoing, but extroverts are more likely to put themselves in social situations, therefore enjoying the benefits of interactions.

While it is easier said than done, small lifestyle changes can largely impact one’s mood. When your head is in the right place, many other positives will follow. College can be such a stressful time in life and it is important for one to cater to their happiness.


This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!