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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Whether you are happy with the results of the 2016 presidential election or saddened by the loss, there are some things to keep in mind as America moves forward.


1. Don’t let the win go to your head.

This one is pretty important. Although many Trump supporters are delightfully surprised by his win last week, the days following the presidential election were somewhat threatening and even violent. It may seem right now like America is a divided nation, but keep in mind how far we’ve already come to be the United States. Undermining Democrats and those who supported Clinton will only push the country farther apart. It’s surprising what amazing things can happen when we stand together.


2. Don’t allow the loss to make you hostile.

Clinton supporters woke up Wednesday mourning the loss, and yet anger filled many hearts with hatred at those who chose to exercise their right to vote on the Republican side. This will not solve anything. The fight is not over–there is always more to stand up for and speak out against. The best way to handle any election is to place trust in the democratic system and learn how to come to terms with the results. Lashing out in anger and projecting your emotions of hurt on to others will not only cause harm to them, but to yourself as well. Keep fighting, but make sure it’s productive and positive.


3. We are one America.

I know it can be hard to remember sometimes, but we are one united nation, and that includes every single citizen regardless of class, race, sexual orientation, gender, sex, country of origin, etc. The love one has for our country is the love of the citizens who inhabit it, and I urge everyone to allow this radical idea of love to permeate their thoughts and actions in the next few months and beyond. If we can find a way to work together for the greater good, we will come out of the next four years a stronger and more unified nation.


4. Seek out help.

If you are feeling threatened by those around you or believe you are unsafe for any reason, please don’t hesitate to seek help. There are many resources at universities, including UNCW, that are there to help students feel safe. Talk to professors you trust, the counseling center, your friends, or even the campus police. This time period following the election is filled with heightened emotions and unpredictable actions; the most important thing is safety.  


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Maddie is a senior at UNCW majoring in English Literature with a Professional Writing Certificate and minoring in Women's Gender Studies.