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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

During most breaks from school, I go home and I just sit around my house, so I have experience with being at home for days on end. Something I started to do to help make me feel like a person was creating a small routine and sticking to it. 

It seems like everyone is talking about creating your own routine, but sometimes it is hard, especially when you don’t know where to start. So I am here to offer advice and hopefully it helps you a bit :)

Create a list the night before

Try to be realistic about what you need and want to get done. Put assignments on the top of your list and then other activities, like reading a couple chapters or journaling, after. 

Set an alarm

Find a time in the morning to wake up and start the day so you don’t get stuck in bed all morning. 

Change out of your pajamas

Even if you are changing into sweatpants or leggings, just changing out of pajamas can help you focus on what you want to get done. 

Have at least two meals 

I like to plan my day around my meals, so if I can set time to at least make breakfast and dinner, it gives me something to focus on. Plus, you won’t get caught snacking all day. 

Make your bed 

You are less likely to get back into your bed if it is made, and it’s nice to see your room looking put together. 

Find time to move your body

We are all stuck in the house, so it helps to leave and go for a walk or get up a bit earlier and do some yoga. As my Creating Happiness professor says, a calm body creates a calm mind. 

I hope this helps, and good luck inside! 

Julie is a positive senior from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She is an inspiring travel journalist who is double majoring in Communication Studies and International Studies along with having a minor in Spanish. With a lot on her plate you can always catch her in the library or stress knitting in her apartment while bing-watching "Queer Eye" or "Parks and Rec".