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5 Easy Tips to Beat Procrastination

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

If you’re anything like me, procrastination is one of your biggest enemies in college. Sometimes it’s just easier to turn on Netflix and forget the due date on your next assignment, but with the middle of the semester fast approaching and midterms on their way, I think it’s time to share some of the best tips to beat procrastination!

1)Wake Up Early

Plan an exciting breakfast, stick to your alarm, and turn your phone off at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep! Schedule some of your plans for the morning so that you are less likely to sleep in. Utilizing your entire day is drastically important to time management, and you’ll be surprised how much more time you have when you wake up an hour earlier every day.

2) Visualize your Goals

Spend a few minutes each day putting your upcoming goal in the forefront of your mind. Think about what will happen when you achieve it, and how absolutely awesome you’re going to feel when you accomplish it. Make sure that your goals are time-oriented and think about ways that you can complete them within the time frame you give yourself! Whether it’s a big goal or a daily one, visualize what you can do today to help you on your path. 

3)Make a To-Do List

And keep it short! Making a list to get things done is pretty counterproductive if you bite off more than you can chew. Keep your lists short, sweet, and to the point so that it doesn’t stress you out to manage them. Anything between 4 and 8 is your lucky number on this one–try any more and you may end up further downhill than you were before. Don’t be afraid to break things down, being specific is key!

4) Download an App

There are so many great options apps online to help you optimize study time and limit your internet browsing while you’re working! Sometimes we all need a little extra push to avoid losing track of time, and holding yourself responsible for your occasionally lazy habits is a good first step to kicking them. Be sure to check out the Study Checker app (helps record your daily study sessions), Chrome Nanny (blocks certain sites while you’re studying), and Strict Workflow (categorizes study time and break times for you using the Comodoro technique).

5) Find a Buddy

If you’re having trouble staying on task, chances are you have a friend who is going through the exact same thing. Find someone to help hold yourself accountable for the way you manage your time. Set up study sessions, review games, and downtime with them to ensure that you have a well-rounded and workable schedule. Make sure that you check in with each other and be positive motivators for one another’s time!