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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

I’m sure we’ve all heard of the infamous “Freshman 15”, some of us may have even dreaded the possibility of it happening to us. For those who don’t know, the “Freshman 15” is the belief that if (women, usually) entering their first year of college don’t use their free, on-campus gym and make sure they’re eating right, they will be likely to gain around 15 pounds that first year of college. This is mostly due to the fact you have access to so many delicious foods on campus — most of it unhealthy. 

No one is here to monitor what you’re eating. This may sound like a great thing at first; but for some of us, as our jeans started to fit just a little tighter, we realized the Freshman 15 could get real, really fast.

An important thing to remember is that everyone’s dietary habits, body types, genetics and metabolism are varied so what may apply to one may not to another. So there is no definite answer – BUT, going to college is all about taking your life into your own hands and that includes your health. While hitting the gym will make you look good, you should also consider it for the simple fact that you want to be your best self and your best self is healthy: in mind, body and soul. No matter what shape or size, regular exercise is proven to help improve everyone’s overall mental and physical health. Oh and of course, we’re paying a lot of money to be here so you might as well take advantage of that gym.