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7 Healthy Snacks To Satisfy Cravings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

You know the feeling.

It’s 11:32 p.m.

You still have half of a paper to write and your stomach will not shut up.

So, you rush to the kitchen, open up the refrigerator and literally grab everything you can fit into your arms.

But, then not 20 minutes later, you’re back to square one. Why?

It all has to do with the type of food you are probably used to grabbing late at night: chips, pizza, goldfish, crackers.

Foods that are high in protein, dietary fiber and water have more satiety power (which makes you feel full) than foods high in fat content.

So, if you eat 100 calories of almonds, you’re going to feel more full than if you eat 100 calories worth of potato chips.

What does this mean?

I’m going to sound crazy, but it means that calories don’t matter when it comes to feeling full. Yes, you heard me correctly.


In other words, you don’t have to eat your whole refrigerator to feel full.

What does matter is the type of food you grab when you rush down to the kitchen at 11:32 p.m.

Here are some fabulous (and by “fabulous,” I mean healthy and high in protein!) snacks for you to try the next time you get the late-night munchies.


1. Raw almonds and dark chocolate chips

These little nuts pack a protein-powered punch with 6g of protein in each serving (about 24 nuts) and you can never go wrong with dark chocolate.


2. Toasted English muffin with avocado


3. Quaker oats rice cakes


4. Apple with peanut or almond butter

Pick your favorite apple – golden delicious, honey crisp, gala, granny smith, you name it – and plop a dollop of peanut butter or almond butter on a slice.


5. Plain greek yogurt with honey and fruit

Go for the plain Greek yogurt to avoid the added sugar that comes with a lot of the artificial flavors. A tablespoon of local honey is a great way to add just enough sweetness!


6. Black bean chips with humus or salsa

Beans are a great source of fiber, but who wants to eat a bowl of beans late at night? If you are craving chips, go for the black bean chips. That way, you can get your salty fix AND satisfy your hunger.


7. Popcorn

You can’t go wrong with this snack – just as long as you avoid the microwave popcorn. And, a few handfuls are usually all I need to feel full.


So, I know it’s tempting to reach for the ice cream, especially after a grueling day of classes.

But, if you’re looking to satisfy a grumbling belly, protein and fiber are the way to go.

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Julia is an English and Journalism Major at the University of Kentucky. Her ideal brunch bunch would include (but is not limited to) Lena Dunham, Amy Poehler, and Barbara Kingsolver, and she one day hopes to do something that will land her an interview with Terry Gross on NPR's Fresh Air.
I am a senior at the University of Kentucky working towards a major in Business and Organizational Communications and a Media Arts and Studies minor. I love scheduling every moment of the day; this includes, but is not limited to, long walks on the beach, horseback riding into the sunset and being a mix of northern sass with southern class.