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The Ultimate Study Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

I’ll get straight to the point; studying is the worst. It’s high up there on my list of unfortunate activities one has to do. It’s right above going to the dentist, but just below waking up early before classes to exercise (which I’ve never done). No one enjoys it and I typically do everything in my power to avoid it. But alas, as finals week approaches, I can no longer hide. 

The only thing that does make studying bearable is music, but not just ordinary music. It must be a carefully constructed playlist. This compilation make take some time, and some of us do not have that kind of time. Luckily, I got started on this one early. It is comprised of songs that are going to motivate you to make it through that dreaded cram session. The kind of music that makes your ears both happy and sad. 

Inside we have Florence + the Machine, we have Alt-J, we have Arcade Fire, we have Bon Iver, we have The Postal Service, just to name a few. But I’ll stop talking it up and just let you decide for yourselves. 


Therefore, without further ado, I present “The Ultimate Study Playlist” I truly hope you enjoy it. Study on folks! 

Gina Russell is a senior at the University of Illinois at Chicago. There she studies English/Communication/binge drinks coffee/complains. She is a lover of anything apple cinnamon scented and books that leave you with more questions than answers. She was born and raised in Chicago. In her spare time, though it may be scarce, she likes to emotionally listen to Florence + the Machine and Arcade Fire, go off on feminist rants, read, write, and watch poetry, add Sriracha to everything edible, incorporate tree pose into normal day activities, eat her weight in sushi, take pictures with her dog, and spontaneously combust into tears about the fact that Lollapalooza is only three days a year. If any of this happens appeal to you, you could follow her on Twitter (@geenuhhhh) or Instagram (also @geenuhhhh). Also, she happens to blog on the riveting adventures of her life or more predominately, the lack there of at http://defineweird.wordpress.com/
UIC Contributor.