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To The POS Who Said I Wasn’t “Hot Enough”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

I’m not going to lie, I did care for you, in fact, even loved you at one point. But, what sent me running for the hills were not your anger issues, your need to go out every Friday night, or your inability to dance (my most favorite thing in the world). What made me walk away was your lack of respect towards women and your immature notion that love evolves from physical beauty. What made me cry was how easily you thought you could just throw me away. While I understand that there needs to be sexual attraction, attraction can come from personality, intelligence, or even wit — but you didn’t get that. You actually had the nerve to tell me that I’m not pretty/hot enough to be girlfriend material, but you couldn’t be more wrong you POS, so this is for you.

1. First off, go f***k yourself.

You are a piece of sh*t. I’m not some kind of doll you can throw away the minute you’re bored with it. No, I will not play these games with you just because that’s how you see life. If you think that by throwing my feelings for you, me away will somehow lead you to getting the “hottest chick,” you’re dead f’ing wrong.

2. So, is this like your way of getting validation??

Look, I get it. I definitely didn’t want to end things with you, but that wasn’t because I have codependency issues; I did love you. But, rejecting me this way will NOT make you feel any better or “level your playing field.”

3. I don’t think you understand how attraction works.

Attraction does NOT rely on physical looks alone. Looks fade, skin sags, and thick hair may thin out or turn grey. Not even money and the greatest plastic surgeon will fix you or your SO. What remains is personality. Considering the way you acted with me is an issue you really need to address like NOW. I promise you that you’re going to stay lonely, bitter, and depressed until you’re old and saggy since, after all, the only women you want are the ones that’ll use you.

4. You’re not that hot either.

There’s no kind way to say this….But, even if you had the looks of Chris Hemsworth and model Dae Na combined, your personality would still be stinky-er than Michael Jackson’s petting zoo – making any girl interested run for the hills.

5. Don’t expect me to stay quiet about how utterly disrespectful and rude you are; Girls talk and once they hear this, they’ll walk.

You aren’t entitled to talk to ANYONE like that, much less me. Just because you don’t find me attractive that does NOT mean I’m not hot. Your behavior…smh, no…even if you did understand how awful you were, you wouldn’t care. People like you only care about themselves.

6. Guys like you are the reason the dating scene is scary AF, and why girls (even me) have eating disorders.

I’m not joking or being over-dramatic. I’m not trying to say that you have to/need to sleep with me or some other poor girl who’s overweight. It’s how you talk that hurts them. If you’ve ever had a female friend with an eating disorder, insecurity, or depression, you were probably the main contributor, that’s all I’m saying.

7. I’m sure your mother would be very proud of you.

I swear, if you can’t read the sarcasm in this, you really are a lost cause.

8. You clearly don’t deserve me.

No person who can say this without flinching needs to reevaluate themselves, get treatment, or something. I really don’t have time for trash in my life.

9. Grow up.

I’m assuming there’s some (or plenty) of insecurity (ies) you have that would drive you to say, “You’re not hot enough for me.” Like….your priorities MUST be mixed up. Mature, cordial, and well-put-together men don’t feel the need to cut others down just to flaunt their egos. But, clearly you are not a man; you’re just a pathetic excuse for a player.