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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

When the pandemic hit us, I recall feeling a small sense of urgency. That a lockdown would only last a month and we’ll be back to normal by the spring! But spring turned to summer, which turned to fall, and yet, we still don’t know when normal will ever be again. 

In this time, our college plans were altered, classes went remote, some of us moved back with our parents. Internships ended, jobs lost, and graduations canceled. We are facing one of the most challenging job markets for college graduates, and countless rejections will eventually take its toll. Our twenties understandably were meant to be looking much different than they are now. 

It’s hard to abide by health guidelines, avoiding gatherings, and socially distancing. It may feel incredibly isolating and lonely in this period. It also feels like we’re not moving forward, stuck in this time.

As someone that certainly understands this feeling, let me share some advice that I’ve picked up this past year that I hope will be of some value to you.


There’s No Clock On Your Life 

No one is keeping track of your accomplishments but yourself. If college takes another year, take it. Where are you with you and your partner’s relationship? Trust yourself and your partner to do what’s best for you both. Figuring out what you want to do with your life? Trust me, some people spend their whole life trying to achieve this, so take it easy on yourself because you don’t have to figure that out before you graduate. There is no real deadline to achieve goals in our lives, don’t forget that.

Take Time To Stop 

I mean it! To genuinely and wholeheartedly stop and be present in a moment. We get worked up in the motions of constantly moving towards goals but we can’t always be in motion. Take time to let your body and thoughts come to a halt. Let your thoughts wander and give yourself the space to absorb all that you’re feeling and thinking. 

Be Gentle 

There’s only one precious you! Be gentle and be kind to yourself. To your body, mind, and spirit. 

woman in white long-sleeve shirt looking out a rainy window
Photo by Leonardo Pavão from Pexels
The most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves, and like any relationship, that requires effort. 

UIC Contributor.