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5 Easy Steps to Being More Confident

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

     When the word “confidence” is thrown around in conversation, what does it mean? Some people say confidence is having the ability to make any walk a walk down the red carpet, while others may say it’s voicing their opinion in class. No matter what your definition of the word is, everyone wishes to achieve it, so fake it till you make it! If you’ve ever wondered how to appear confident, while also gaining confidence, simply follow these 5 easy steps:

                  1.     Trust yourself- When you trust your instincts and believe in yourself the confidence will flow.

2.     Work with what you were born with- You are perfect just the way you are, own it! If you have to wear glasses, bedazzle those suckers. Whatever you have to do to love YOU.

3.     Practice Makes Perfect- If you aren’t feeling 100% confident, pretend like you are. The more you pretend, your body gets used to the feeling and soon enough you won’t be pretending.

4.     Think positive- Along with confidence comes happiness and positivity. Positive thoughts create a better, happier, you and thus a more confident you.

5.     Know yourself- You know all that you are capable of so go out there and show the world! You have to love yourself before anything else.

You may not wake up with confidence tomorrow but with a little bit of work each day, this campus will be your runway. If anything else, remember the words of wisdom from the queen, “The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.”- Beyoncé 

HiiI'm Lauren- Sophomore at UIC,  girl who hates science but aspires to be a nurse. Catch me on campus looking as basic as ever, coffe and planner in hand too.Oh and I am probably the sassiest person you'll ever meet.  
UIC Contributor.