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#REALationship Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

All over Twitter and Instagram, you’ll see people posting or commenting on pictures of couples with the hashtag #RelationshipGoals. Most of the pictures are basic things like a man giving his girlfriend jewelry or a couple playing Call of Duty together. Although, jewelry and video games are nice to have, they are not goals you should strive for.  Here are the REALationship goals…

Great Communication

The whole point of getting into a relationship is to have a supportive companion that meets your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.  In order to create that companionship, you have to communicate what your needs are.Communication is a REALationship goal.

Mutual Respect

R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to your companion! Respect in a relationship is critical, because it is hard for your partner to feel loved if they are not being treated with respect. Love may connect two people together, but respect keeps two people together, and that is why mutual respect is a REALationship goal.


Trust allows you to sleep peacefully while your partner is at a party surrounded by the opposite sex. It is critical in a relationship, because it gives you and your partner the peace and security to know that both parties are being true. Trust is a REALationship goal!


Commitment is what keeps both people holding on during those valley-points in the relationship. Everybody wants to be assured that when times get tough, their partner won’t abandon them. That is why commitment is the utmost important REALationship goal.

Year: SeniorMajor: Management-Human Resource Management TrackHobbies: the gym, long nights spent reading Pinterest quotes, Gilmore Girls, drinking black coffee, poetry, cooking, bikram yoga, changing my nail color daily, shopping at Trader Joe's, Sprouts & Whole Foods
"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."