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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Dear men that got away,

   You’ve been only a fraction of my entire college experience but a major portion of inspiring the woman that I am today. That is why when I walk across the stage to graduate I will tip my hat to you. I will tip my hat in gratitude of all of the pain you’ve caused over these four years. From heartbreak to heartache…I thank you. I remember studying for my final exam for economics with thoughts clouding my head of where you were last night. I remember finishing a Blackboard Assignment before 11:59 p.m. as you told me that maybe you wanted to give your ex another try. I remember trying to keep my grades up when you kept my spirits down. If it wasn’t for all of the dark nights, then I wouldn’t be able to appreciate this moment of graduation. I wouldn’t be able to appreciate the fact that I did it. I didn’t let you get in the way of me and my goals and dreams. I didn’t let your negativity get in the way of my aspirations. I didn’t let you get in the way of…me.   

Sincerely, The woman I’m proud of

Year: SeniorMajor: Management-Human Resource Management TrackHobbies: the gym, long nights spent reading Pinterest quotes, Gilmore Girls, drinking black coffee, poetry, cooking, bikram yoga, changing my nail color daily, shopping at Trader Joe's, Sprouts & Whole Foods
"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."