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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Jonathan Mayorga is a junior at UH majoring in management information systems. He is responsible for handling all public relations for Management Information Systems Student Organization. As the head of public relations Jonathan gets to use his charismatic personality to plans social for MISSO to have some fun!


What does your organization do?

My organization is aimed to build our members academically, socially, and professionally. MISSO brings out the top companies to give our members the opportunities to interact with and talk to their future employers. MISSO also provides a mentorship program to help its members grow even more past the scope of simply being able to talk to a recruiter and have a nice resume. Along with helping our members grow, we are helping our community grow by going out to different establishments and engaging in volunteer work.

How has MISSO helped you thus far?

MISSO has helped me challenge myself and go out of my comfort to achieve more than I thought I could before, and I’ve had a blast while doing it.

What is the biggest achievement you hope to accomplish this year?

I hope to get an internship related to IT and MIS.

What’s your biggest regret in college?

Not trying to run collegiately.

Can you imagine yourself at a different university?

Absolutely not. UH is my home.

Give two pieces of advice for UH freshmen students.

Join an organization. Make all the friends and memories you can, and the “freshman 15” is real;  go to the rec and be active.

Which personal characteristic are you the most proud of? Why?

I am most proud of my ability to talk to anyone and make them feel comfortable. I enjoy talking and learning about new people because there is always so much more to learn.

Who is your celebrity crush and what would you talk about if you had to chance to take them out on a date?

Blake Lively, I would like to talk about her experiences while making the TV show series Gossip Girl.

Thutrang, also known as Mimi, is a student at the Conrad N. Hilton College majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Management with an emphasis in Event Management. Ideally, she likes to explore in positive magnitudes whether it consists of social interactions or spiritual guidance. She is an open-minded person who is more than likely to find your sense of taste in music, conspiracies, clothes, dreams, study habits, etc. inspiring. 
"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."