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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

This week’s Campus Celebrity embodies everything a UH Coog should be! Breonna Holcombe is spirited, responsible, and driven! She is a junior here at the University of Houston and is planning on making a career in American Sign Language Interpreting.

What separates Breonna from the rest is her position as the Panhellenic Delegate for Sigma Kappa. What is a Panhellenic Delegate, you ask? They act as a representative for their sorority in greek life. Breonna has to “vote on behalf of [her] chapter when any By-Law revisions or major changes happen in the Panhellenic world.”

Just like the Her Campus chapter at UH, the Sigma Kappa sorority is new on campus, and that allows Breonna and the rest of her sisters to set a great foundation for their chapter that will lead them to success.

It is obvious by the interactions and friendships Breonna has made on campus that she really loves being a part of Sigma Kappa and a Coog!

Not only is Breonna a great representative for Sigma Kappa, but for the ambitious UH students as well!

"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."