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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Considering that most college students are overwhelmed with school and work, there seems to always be a sense of comfort in taking naps every now and then. Therefore, I have compiled a small list of possible napping spots that you can check out.

8th floor  in the M.D. Anderson Library

The higher you are, the less chance you’ll have to deal with the louder crowds. Plus, it’s usually almost-to-empty, so there will be no one to disturb you. Let’s not forget about the air condition, it’s the most rewarding if it gets too hot outside.

Grassy Areas Next to the Satellite

You can either lay on your backpack or bring a small blanket to sprawl out in the grass on a beautiful day!

Red Lounge in the Student Center

Sometimes this place can get a bit busy with students going in and out to unwind in between classes, but it is a suitable place to fall into a coma since the couches are so comfortable! You can also rearrange them accordingly to your preference and KO until your next class.

Conrad N. Hilton College Student Lobby

You can either rent out a room or sleep on the couches in the student lobby. There is even more comfortable cushions that are all around the outside of the hotel and Hilton College.  Caution, the  Hilton Lobby is different from the Student Lobby for the school!


Roy G. Cullen Building

After classes end, this building becomes a sanctuary. You can either nap on the benches along the hallways or utilize the spacious and quiet classrooms by sleeping in a desk or comfortably on the floor.


Although, the fountains are currently under-construction, I suggest this one because it is possibly one of the best places to nap at. Being able to lay on the grass and trees protecting you with just the right amount of shade, makes this my favorite place ever.


Thutrang, also known as Mimi, is a student at the Conrad N. Hilton College majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Management with an emphasis in Event Management. Ideally, she likes to explore in positive magnitudes whether it consists of social interactions or spiritual guidance. She is an open-minded person who is more than likely to find your sense of taste in music, conspiracies, clothes, dreams, study habits, etc. inspiring. 
"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."