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There’s Something Scarier Than Halloween

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Happy Halloween, collegiate! Be ready for horror-movie marathons and pop-up door decorations because it’s time to get spooked by ghosts, werewolves and midterms. However, while the thought of not finding a Halloween costume in time is certainly scary, one word will always strike fear in everyone’s hearts: cancer.

Although the month of October is known for Halloween, it is also known for being Breast Cancer Awareness month. Generally speaking, a lot of people are afraid of something they don’t know a lot about, so here are a couple of fast-facts about breast cancer so you won’t be afraid.


1. According to the American Cancer Society, 30% of cancers diagnosed in women will be some form of breast cancer and one out of eight United States women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.


2. Medical News Today lists some of the first symptoms of breast cancer as:

  • Pain in the armpits or breasts not normally around when women get their monthly periods

  • Discharge with some bleeding

  • Redness in the skin of the breast area

  • Change in size or shape of breasts


3. MedlinePlus states that breast cancer is diagnosed through a self-examination exam, ultrasound testing, biopsy, physical exam, and a mammography.


4. Risk factors include age, genetics and family history, weight, radiation exposure before age 30, pregnancy history, menstrual history, alcohol, lack of exercise, smoking, unhealthy diets, and exposure to chemicals in food, as stated by breastcancer.org


5. The Susan G. Komen Foundation shares that those 40 years old or more are more likely to be affected by breast cancer more than anyone else.


6. Treatment depends on the stage of cancer and includes chemotherapy, surgery, which includes a mastectomy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, clinical trials, immunotherapy, and holistic medicine such as acupuncture and meditation, according to breastcancer.org


No one wants to go through an experience as scary as breast cancer, so learning more about it would hopefully prevent more cases and create more survivors. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor if you have any questions regarding breast cancer or any other type of cancer and feel free to share these facts with your family and friends! The more educated we are about breast cancer, the closer we can get to finding a cure for it.