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5 Ways to De-stress After a Long Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

We all know how exhausting life can be, especially if you happen to be a busy college student with a million things to do in the span of 24 hours. Nine times out of ten, being productive provides that wonderful sense of self-satisfaction, but it is essential to put time aside for yourself a few times a week so you don’t go crazy waiting for the weekend. Here are some ways to wind down after a long and stressful day.

1. Take a bath.

It’s classic. A nice warm bath is just the thing to relax tense and tired muscles that have been hoisting around a book bag all day and getting you to all your classes. Whether it’s with a capful of your favorite bubble bath, a bath bomb (because how cool are those?), or just a simple pool of water, submerging in the tub will ease away all of your aches and pains.

2. Jump on the mat for some yoga.

You don’t have to be able to twist yourself into a pretzel to do yoga. You don’t even really need a mat, the carpet or tile will suffice. The key here is just to take a few minutes to stretch out your body and align your movements with your breathing. Trust me, your muscles with thank you in the morning. Try holding some of these poses for thirty seconds to a minute.

Child’s Pose

Down Dog

Forward Fold

Spinal Twist

3. Curl up with a book.

There is nothing like snuggling under a fluffy blanket with your favorite book. If you’re not into novels, try reading the newspaper, or listening to a podcast. Basically, try occupying your mind with reading that has nothing to do with your school work.

4. Netflix and chill (for real).

Have a series you just can’t resist binge-watching? No worries! Reward yourself with an episode or two (or like, five) of your favorite TV show, you deserve it!


If there is anything that college students have trouble with, it is getting enough sleep. Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. It can truly make the difference between a happy and energized morning and a snooze-worthy sunrise.