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5 Easy Tips to Help You Ace Your Next Phone Interview

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Internships and summer jobs are right around the corner and that means it’s interview time. Personally, I’ve had my fair share of interviews both on the phone and in-person and I’ve picked up a few tips along the way. Here are five easy tips to help you ace your next phone interview…


1.  Prepare

You can’t possibly over prepare. Research other tips for interviews online. Research the company and their mission and philosophies. You want to show that you know your stuff. Practice with friends and practice by yourself. Hit up the University Career Center and practice with them.


2. Have Notes

A huge perk about phone interviews is that you can have notes with you. Write down the name of your interviewer and thank them by name. Pull up your resume or print it out, just in case. Write down common questions and have some bullet point responses in case your mind goes blank. You could write stickie notes with words of encouragement. Finally, write down a few questions to ask your interviewer about the position.


3. Act like it’s the real thing

Dress up! Do your makeup, the whole nine yards. Stand up during your interview or sit in a desk chair. Anything that makes you feel more professional and confident is key.


4. Smile

Smile. Smile the whole time. Smile until your cheeks ache. It might also be helpful to look in a mirror during the interview, if possible. Companies across the board want happy, energetic, bubbly employees and your enthusiasm will translate better over the phone if you’ve got a smile, it’s scientifically proven.


5. Be yourself and relax

As with any interview don’t lie to get the job or make up personality traits, an interview is also the time to make sure that you want the job and are capable of all the responsibilities that come with it. Just be yourself and relax, and you have nothing to worry about.

Sam is getting her degree in Film Studies at UGA. She hopes to continue writing entertainment reviews and comedy nonsense after graduation. She's always got a latte in hand and can be seen practicing handstands all around campus.