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These Female Celebs are Changing the Beauty Industry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

In today’s society, what it means to be beautiful is constantly evolving. No longer are we associating beauty with one size, ethnicity or race. Celebrities are vocalizing the importance of self-confidence and being true to oneself have helping with the changing views. These women are setting their own standards and inspiring so many to do the same along the way.


Rihanna is killing the game right now. She’s not only embracing her new curvy figure, but she’s also been outspoken about the fashion industry’s influence on promoting unhealthy body image, believing that what’s seen in the media shouldn’t dictate anyone’s personal size. She recently launched Fenty Beauty, one of the most inclusive makeup lines on the market. With 40 shades in the line and plans to create more, Fenty Beauty is giving makeup lovers everywhere the opportunity to put their best face forward.

Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen is the ultimate role model. Not only is she gorgeous and can be seen on just about every fashion magazine, but she’s super relatable. Chrissy is known for being open about her flaws on her social media account, a stark contrast from most models. After having baby Luna, she shared a picture of her stretch marks and wasn’t in a race to get back to her “pre-baby” body, lowering postpartum expectations and empowering new-moms everywhere. She even stated once, “The thing is, you don’t even want to be mad about someone calling you fat because who the f––– cares?” Exactly, who really cares?

Demi Lovato

Demi is no stranger to talking about the importance of mental health and overcoming eating disorders, and in doing so, she’s helping change the way beauty is perceived. Her belief that you should have a strong mind and body is enough for anybody to see her as a role model. Demi’s recent music videos and messages put women in a strong and diverse light, showing that there is nothing more beautiful that being #confident.

Serena Williams

Serena Williams is one of the best female athletes of all time. She was legit pregnant when she won the Australian Open. (If that isn’t an amazing display of the strength women’s bodies have, then I don’t know what is!) Serena believes beauty comes from within and that a display of confidence in everything you do is what will set you apart from the pack. She’s proof that you can be both strong and beautiful.

What celebrity women do you think are changing the beauty industry?