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5 Things I Wish I Knew before Starting Accutane

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Besides the obvious stereotypes.

Accutane, formally known as Isotretinoin, is a prescription medication that is used to treat severe acne. Accutane is normally prescribed as a last resort medication – meaning that most prescriptions are not given until after different treatments have been unresponsive – and is often considered a “miracle drug” for many. What makes this medication different from most acne treatments is the extensive list of side effects it carries. Because of this, patients on Accutane must get monthly blood work to ensure that their bodies are not responding poorly and can continue treatment. 

After what seemed like years of trying different acne treatments, I finally decided to take the plunge and give into trying Accutane. I have been on Accutane since March of this year and am currently finishing up my eighth – and hopefully last – month on it. While your dermatologist will always give you the standard speech on the common side effects of Accutane and what you should and should not do while on the medication, there is still so much I wish someone would have shared with me before I started. 

Here are five things I wish I knew before I started the Accutane process this year:

1. Be Patient

I came into my first month of Accutane expecting a fast improvement. But my experience was truly the opposite of that. My skin progressively got worse in the first few months, and I didn’t see any improvement until at least the third or fourth month. It was really discouraging until I realized that what I was expecting was unrealistic and this was exactly what was supposed to be happening. The length of treatment with Accutane is extremely variable – give your body time to adapt to it and be patient with yourself.

2. You will be Dryer than you Think you’ll be 

I think the most known Accutane side effect is how chapped your lips will be – but how dry you are goes way beyond that. I noticed my skin drying out within the first week of Accutane. Not only will your lips get chapped, but the rest of your skin, scalp, and eyes. Aquaphor will become your best friend while taking Accutane. I used to be such a Vaseline fan but made the switch nearly instantly after trying it for the first time. Get eye drops and always have moisturizer with you, I also loved Bio Oil when struggling a little extra. Above all, staying hydrated will be the most helpful during your treatment.

3. The Side Effects go Beyond just being Dry

I was honestly scared before trying Accutane and never really looked at the side effects of it. I think its so important to know that it goes way past just chapped lips and dry skin. There are numerous physical side effects to the medication – like joint pain, blurry vision, headaches, nosebleeds, and so much more. But what is less often talked about is the psychological side effects that Accutane can have. Accutane “has been associated with psychiatric disorders and symptoms beyond depression and psychosis in some cases.” I think I was lucky and never experienced extremely severe side effects, but it’s imperative that you know and understand them in order to best take care of yourself during your time on Accutane. 

4. You must Change your Skincare Routine

Because your skin is so much more sensitive while on Accutane, typically, you will have to switch up the products you’re using. Chances are that you have been using harsh and chemical products on your face to fight your acne, but while on Accutane you’ll have to switch over to a gentler and more hydrating routine. I personally love Cerave products and could not recommend them enough – I have gone through tubs of their moisturizer, and it is one of the only things that has gotten me through the past eight months. Your skin will also be more sensitive to the sun so including SPF will be crucial. In general, just be careful with what you’re putting on your skin and avoid harsh chemicals and ingredients (I had to learn this the hard way).

5. Going on Accutane is more Common than you Think it is

Going on Accutane felt like an undertaking I was going to go through alone. I soon realized that people go on Accutane more than I thought. In my immediate circle, I had probably at least five people who were also on it or had previously gone through the process. You will always have people you can ask questions to and are willing to help. Millions of people have taken the drug and there are hundreds of threads and articles online that you can refer to. 

While it has felt like I have been on Accutane forever, it is not something I regret at all – if anything, I wish I did it sooner. I could go on and on about my experience and the things I have learned along the way. If you take anything from this article, be patient and take care of your mind and body. Accutane will be a rollercoaster of emotions, but I truly believe that the result is worth it in the end. 

Anita is a second-year public health and biology major with a minor in health disparities on the pre-med track! She has a passion for promoting equity in the medical field and hopes to share this through her writing. When she's not busy writing or studying you can often find her taking cycle classes, travelling, bullet journaling, and reading!