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15 Experiences Every Socially Anxious Girl Knows Too Well

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Being shy in certain social situations is normal, but there’s some of us out there who experience shyness so crippling that it manifests as anxiety. Even the smallest of social interactions, like raising your hand in class, turns into a whole ordeal. It’s not just simple shyness – it’s doubting your every interaction and every movement for fear that others are judging you. If you fall into this category, you’re not alone! Here are 15 experiences you may find relatable.

1. Class participation counting as a grade is the literal worst.

How are these people so confident that no one will laugh at them for asking a question? You secretly hope that someone’s going to ask the question that you want to ask.

2. Group projects are awful.


Especially group projects where you have to present in front of the class.

3. Going to office hours is the scariest thing.


Even if you love your professor in class, the idea of going to them one-on-one is daunting.

4. No, wait, making phone calls is even scarier.

Online appointment making and delivery have saved your butt.

5. You’re thankful for long lines at restaurants because then you can rehearse your order.

You just really don’t want the person at the counter to judge you if you hesitate when making your order. Totally understandable, right?

6. Your automatic response to a sales clerk asking if you need help is “No, thanks,” even if you do need help.

It’s just instinct. How’re you supposed to prepare a speech in advance if they ask right away?

7. And then if you realize you do need help, you have to go out of your way to find a different salesperson because that first one will JUST KNOW.

Because the original person is going to think you’re dumb for not asking them in the first place, and that’s just totally mortifying.

8. Eye contact with attractive strangers is simultaneously super duper great but also incredibly nerve-wracking.

You wish you could just turn invisible and not feel the pressure to talk to them.

9. You have to get someone else to read your emails before you send them because what if you’re SAYING IT WRONG?

What if the person you’re emailing doesn’t reply? WHAT IF THEY DO?

10. That moment at a party when you’re looking for someone to talk to is probably what the first layer of hell feels like.

You want to disappear into the walls.

11. No, wait, it’s that moment when someone starts to make small talk before class.


It’s not that you don’t want to make friends, it’s just that you feel that anything you say is gonna be totally stupid and weird.

12. Saying sorry all the time.

And when someone points out that you say sorry all the time, you say sorry.

13. Getting fed up when people tell you to just “stop being shy.”

I mean, I would if I could, right??

14. Feeling totally proud of yourself when you manage to make small talk with someone.         

It may make your heart rattle while you do it, but you feel totally proud afterwards.

15. Knowing that with each passing day, you’re working on your anxieties, and each small hurdle means you’ve taken one small step!

Taking small steps is part of the journey.

Most of these experiences aren’t ones we enjoy, but it’s important to know that you’re not the only person out there who feels this way. If you find that your anxieties are becoming particularly unbearable, however, to the point where they are severely detriment your day-to-day life, reach out to the Counseling and Wellness Center.

Petrana Radulovic is a senior studying English and Computer Science. She hopes to be a writer someday and live in the Pacific Northwest, where she will undoubtedly divide her time between sipping coffee at a local café and sipping coffee in her living room, working on her latest story. She enjoys singing when she thinks she’s the only person at home, obsessively watching America’s Next Top Model, and wearing all black no matter what the weather. In her future, she sees many cats and many books and many mugs. She is currently the Senior Editor for HerCampus UFL, but writes the occasional article because she can't help herself. This is her sixth semester with HerCampus.
Darcy Schild is a University of Florida junior majoring in journalism. She's the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus UFL and was previously a Her Campus national section editor. She spent Summer 2017 as an Editorial Intern at HC headquarters in Boston, where she oversaw the "How She Got There" section and wrote and edited feature articles and news blogs. She also helped create the weekly Her Campus Instagram Story series, Informed AF. Follow her on Twitter and on her blog, The Darcy Diaries.