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The Ziggurats at night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UEA chapter.

Despite UEA being made of concrete and not looking too aesthetically pleasing during the day, at night when lit up by floodlights it is easy to see how UEA campus has so many grade II listed buildings on site. UEA campus is globally renowned for its note worthy architecture, so don’t take it for it for granted collegiettes! If you have time in between lectures or just feel like a bit of fresh air, take yourself for a long amble around campus and appreciate the unique architecture. 

Jen is a French and International Development student in her final year at University of East Anglia and an aspiring magazine editor. She is an active member of campus social life and when she is not writing future online content or updating her fashion and lifestyle blog, you will find her in Topshop or any cafe that serves tea and cake, reading tonnes of the latest fashion magazines.