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Three Tips for Boosting Your Mental Health During Lockdown

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

Lockdown has been hard. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been faced with stress, anxiety, and a sense of isolation while we were confined to our homes. It is vital to look after our mental wellbeing and to refocus our energy to being more resilient and aware of our own struggles. We need to keep up our individual and communal mental health for us to remain physically strong and socially connected during this time of global crisis. Here are five tips for you to give your mental health a well-deserved boost during lockdown:

Maintain your usual daily routine

This means that you should get up and get dressed– just like if it was any other day. I know that lockdown has made us lazy, and I am so guilty of staying in my PJs for online classes and only putting on a bra if it is absolutely necessary. But sometimes sticking with your everyday routine (like getting ready to go to work or to class) can shift your mindset to a more productive one. It is harder to binge a series if you make yourself feel like it is a normal day of class. However, at the same time it is also important to relax and not tie your worth to your productivity – it is perfectly okay if we are not as productive as we are under normal circumstances. So, be sure to manage your time between work, family, and your own time to just relax and unwind.

Find things to keep you busy (constructive or creative)

We live in a capitalist society which means that we feel uncomfortable or even worthless if we are not doing something utterly productive. As students, we are even more driven by varsity to get things done. But it is important to remember that taking care of yourself, connecting with people, and relaxing are also ways to be productive. Use technology to stay in touch with your loved ones. Spend a few hours calling a friend or try out new recipes with your mom over the phone. Play games, write a blog, or try an online course. Water your garden or lay in bed with popcorn and binge your favourite show. All of these things are productive and is just as important as checking your e-mails or completing assignments.

Cut yourself some slack!

For the first time in our lifetimes, we are faced with a global crisis and it is perfectly okay if we are not as on top of things as usual. The times are stressful and many of us are away from those we love, whether it is friends, family, or lovers. This pandemic undoubtedly takes an emotional toll. So, go easy on yourself when you are feeling more stressed by small things than usual, when you are homesick, and when things just simply feel overwhelming. We all have busy schedules but looking after yourself must be your number one priority. Take time out of your day for yourself and do something you enjoy, practise some self-care, or just sit quietly and get in touch with your emotions.

We are in the midst of a pandemic, and everyday we see an increasing death toll and how our friends and family are affected – some get sick, some pass away, and other lose their livelihoods because of inhibited economic activity. These are the invisible wounds of trauma imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and deserves just as much treatment as those who got infected with the virus. When we are quarantined or self-isolating, it is normal to experience a range of symptoms, including a low mood, insomnia, stress, anxiety, anger, emotional exhaustion, depression and even symptoms of PTSD. It is crucial to look after yourself, especially during these challenging times that we are facing. Give yourself slack, celebrate the tiny victories, and know that nothing in this world is worth neglecting or harming your mental wellbeing, not even a global pandemic. Breathe, and let us get through this together.