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5 Ways to Live A Healthier On Campus Lifestyle

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.


1.     Walk instead of taking the shuttle.


Due to the academic rigor of UCSD, most of us spend the majority of our day holed up inside studying for hours on end. A good but also productive break is walking to class. You’re still keeping up with your studies while also getting a little exercise and fresh air.


2.     Schedule exercise into your weekly routine.


It can be difficult to find time for yourself, but scheduling just even 30 minutes of exercise can greatly improve how you feel throughout the day. It will give you more energy and help release all the tension built up while crouched over a desk.


3.     Wrap 4 rubber bands around a 25oz water bottle to make sure you’re getting enough water.


It can be really easy on tough days to reach for another cup of coffee or a sugary drink. Instead try and drink the daily-suggested water requirement. Every time you finish a bottle, take off a rubber band. This helps you keep track of your consumption as well as water helps flush the bad toxins out of your system.


4.     Schedule time for yourself.


This can be very difficult as your time is very precious. Even if its just 30 minutes to paint your nails, letting your brain take a rest will make you feel better through out the long week.


5.     Set attainable goals.


It can be very easy to set high goals, then not achieve them. A pattern of this can make you feel very crumby mentally. Instead, set smaller goals. These little bursts of success will help propel you through the week towards the finish line. 

Third Year at UC San Diego at Marshall College. Proud member of Panhellenic with ambitions to go to law school and become a Supreme Court Justice.
UCSD '16 Political Science- American Politics Major